Esoteric symbolism represents the core content and functionality of the tarot deck. The cards use visual art composed of esoteric symbolism to convey stories to the reader (you). A person reads the cards by connecting their esoteric symbolism, highlighting the symbols that stand out as the most relevant regarding the question or concern. It’s all about recognizing synchronicity.
The more one gets to know their cards, the more fluent they become in speaking the esoteric language of occult symbolism. Like riding a bike, once someone knows how tarot reading works through regular practice, they will never forget how. Studying a few good, disparate tarot decks deeply is a great way to come to understand the tarot universally. The ultimate way to truly understand the depth of esoteric tarot symbolism may be to create one’s own deck. Of course, that is not for everyone, while others may consider it a mandatory curriculum.
Tarotsmith works with artists who have studied the mystical language of esoteric symbolism for many years, sharing the view that tarot is a sacred art. Although we take this very seriously, humour is not lost when it comes to our creations. Beyond reading, tarot can be powerful in ceremonial rituals. In fact, the deck’s higher purpose and reason for being has more to do with the spiritual journey of the occultist who practices this mysterious art. In other words, tarot is an incredible life-changer: first for the alchemist who forges the cards, then for the conjurers who study and read with them.
The most famous tarot creators in history would be A. E. Waite and Aleister Crowley. These masters of esoteric symbolism have inspired generations of other creators, including the artists here on Tarotsmith, who hope their cards can be inspirational. Along with readings on, each of these decks can also be studied on its own website. Card descriptions are available there in the same way that a little white book would traditionally accompany a hard copy tarot deck.
The decks on this site have all been released and sold out in limited editions. We understand how disappointing it can be to not be able to physically hold the cards in your hands. Thankfully, the cards will always be here for you virtually, to be used online.
Study Tarotsmith Decks Card by Card