Comic Strip Spread

Comic Strip Spread



Difficulty: Easy

Note: This spread works best with decks like the Diary of a Broken Soul or Surrealist Tarot because they display scenes rather than pips and do not use reversals.

The Comic Strip Spread is a simple nine-card chronological spread that looks like a page of a comic book. This method should be used to get a glimpse of the future as it would pan out naturally. It may be insightful to use this spread in coordination with biorhythms. The spread is easy to read as a storyboard, just like a comic strip.

The main subject is apparent in the first card, while the story plays out through the following tarot cards.

It is important to pay particular attention to the cards and the relationships with their neighbours. Notice which directions the cards are facing, and how they interact.










Your Comic Strip Reading

The Ring
The Snake
The Bear
The Key
The Woman
The Rocket
The Fox
The Heart
The Flowers





Card 1: The Ring

In the area of water (everything flows together to one) the ring shows new connections. For connections we need an inside and an outside, what means new life, new separation.

Karma, cycles, monotony, group work, connections, contracts, promises, and protection. The Ring signifies solidification.





Card 2: The Snake

Realm of Air

The snake has been searching and learning for a long time. Tried this, tried that, and so came nearer and nearer to the truth. It means the highest consciousness (yellow and white) following a long way of experiences.

Temptations, dark forces, cunning, deviousness, earthly intelligence, lower nature, and biological urges. The Serpent may represent someone trying to trick you. Be wary of people trying to take advantage of you, who may lead you down the wrong path. If the cards surrounding this card are favourable to you, this is a sign that you may be the one who is being devious.





Card 3: The Bear

Power, great strength, protection, spiritual energy, fame, a foundation of truth – but possibly jealousy, envy, and through these, tremendous wrath. The Bear is a very powerful sign, but be wary of the potential for excessive force.





Card 4: The Key

Understanding, truth, knowledge, advice, probabilities, and possibilities. The Key means that you have what it takes to move on to another level.












Card 5: The Woman

The Woman represents you if you are a woman. All cards in your spread are interpreted by their distance to this card.

If you are a man this card represents a strong woman with good intent who will have a positive influence on you: a friend, wife, significant other, girlfriend, love. Could also indicate intuition, passiveness, instinct, or patience.





Card 6: The Rocket

The rocket is the active part of the moon. This is the area of earth. The rocket breaks out.

Thoughts, good news, precognition, an augury. This is a messenger of good fortune, perhaps a young man. Your intentions will go well.





Card 7: The Fox

Deviousness, plotting, hypocrisy, lies, a warning that something is not what it seems, worldly logic, temptations, trickery. When facing away from the affected card, it means absolute honesty and survival instincts.





Card 8: The Heart

Love, feelings, the heart of something, connection, the Soul.





Card 9: The Flowers

A gift, love, friendship, celebration, high spirit, success, and upbeat emotions. The Bouquet signifies forming a positive attitude. This attitude gradually builds your confidence, leading to more and more success.






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