Relationship Spread #1

Relationship Spread #1



Difficulty: Easy

This tarot spread is easy to read, like a convenient chart. In this spread, court cards generally indicate actual people with the same characteristics. Knights (or corresponding princes, but not kings) and queens are meant to represent actual men and women in this tarot spread. Look for patterns in the cards as always.

Card #1 is the overall significator of the relationship. The two columns on either side of the significator characterise each individual's role in the relationship. The relationship does not have to be romantic. In fact, it could be a relationship between a person and a group, or even how two groups relate.

The top row, cards #7 & #2, is about the conscious thoughts of each person, or what they think about the relationship and likewise how they view their partner.

The middle row, cards #6 & #3, reveals the way each individual feels about the other. Emotional awareness corresponds to a person's unconscious thoughts that run deep, affecting a person in ways he or she is not fully aware of.

The bottom row, cards #5 & #4, represents the way each person behaves, in other words the stance taken regarding the relationship. The way a person acts may be genuine, but sometimes people are phony and manipulative, so it is best to weigh this card against the other person's cards to determine how they match up.









Your Relationship #1 Reading

Other Person

The Lilis

The Harvest

The Rods
The Significator

The Anchor

The Moon
External Stance

The Mice

The Tower





The Significator

The Anchor

Lifestyle, foundation, roots, gravity, and security in work or relationships. The Anchor indicates a firm base of success and profit from your endeavours. Now is a good time to aggressively work towards your goals.





The Querent's Thoughts

The Lilis

If the Sun shows us the full energy, the Lilies try to make a compromise. Fire is leading back to water, the fire is something like framed, it is not free. We use its energy but controlled. That�s why the Lilies look like a candleholder. Eroticism is used to build a family, for example, meanings like this.

Development of the spirit, success, conscience, holiness, and learning to accept good traits and bad. The Lilies signify a happy period accomplishment.





The Other Person's Thoughts

The Harvest

This card indicates inner knowledge, but not really wisdom. Something that one does not understand by experience, but in theory. A warning to be careful, as something that happens quickly can bring much pain. This card indicates that you will reap the harvest of what you have sewn.












The Querent's Emotions

The Rods

The Rods represent family quarrels, arguments, heated debate, domestic trouble, strife, cleansing by fire, consequences, and the number two and duality. This card indicates the need to make some significant changes in your domestic situation.





The Other Person's Emotions

The Moon

The moon is the passive part of the rocket. After the sun has burned out all its fire it needs energy from outside. This is a normal effect in a cycle.

Magic, spiritual rituals and traditions, the past, intuitiveness, career/success, recognition, fears, and the unknown. The Moon signifies a period of uncertainty. You may be in or entering a time when it is difficult to be certain about things.





The Querent's External Stance

The Mice

Obstacles, losses, hidden enemies, old debts, secrets that eat away at a person, annoyances. The Mouse signifies some minor losses from which you should recover easily, as long as you deal with them while they are still small.





The Other Person's External Stance

The Tower

Earthly power, dominion, law and order, material success, stability, skill in confrontation, aloofness, remoteness, and the elevation of the spirit. The Castle is a sign you will attain success and stability.






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