The Love Triangle Spread

The Love Triangle Spread



Difficulty: Complicated

Casually referred to as the Love Triangle, this spread can be used to determine the dynamics of the relationship between three people, regardless of whether romance is involved. This spread is arranged in the form of a hexagram, consisting of several large and small triangles. This tarot spread may seem somewhat complicated, but it is not entirely that difficult.

The first step is to interpret the card for each individual position in the spread. Generally, one might ask about a relationship they are involved in, but this does not have to be the case. Ordinarily, the reader's representative card is #1, their main person of interest is #2, and the other person would be #3.

The second step fills in the downward triangle and involves further examination of the individuals through their views of the other people. Each person has two more cards showing the way they see and relate to the other members of the triangle. For example, Card #6 indicates how Person #3 relates to Person #1, while Card #9 stands for Person #1's attitude toward Person #3.

The next step completes the upward triangle and the hexagram, focusing on cards #10–13. It also completes the many smaller triangles and hints at the potential for each relationship. The final card, #13 can be considered the significator of the reading, which suggests the overall potential for this three-way relationship.









Your Love Triangle Reading


P#3   3to2 2+3
2to3   P#2
3to1 Overall 2to1
1+3 1to3 1to2 1+2




1: Person #1

The Ship

The Ship is a 'child of the earth'. It's made from wood, but it dares to cross the water. This is a very risky journey. But the enormous size of the hull provides as much safety as possible.

On a spiritual level, the Ship symbolises desire, hope, dreams, spiritual growth, exploration, and expansion. On a material level the Ship indicates incoming wealth and material gain. However, it may indicate loss, depending on neighbouring cards. You may be making a trip soon.




2: Person #2

The Rods

The Rods represent family quarrels, arguments, heated debate, domestic trouble, strife, cleansing by fire, consequences, and the number two and duality. This card indicates the need to make some significant changes in your domestic situation.




3: Person #3

The Child

The Child indicates youth, inexperience, naiveness, playfulness, and small size. The appearance of the Child may suggest a child coming into your life.










4: Person #1's view of #2

The Tower

Earthly power, dominion, law and order, material success, stability, skill in confrontation, aloofness, remoteness, and the elevation of the spirit. The Castle is a sign you will attain success and stability.




5: Person #2's view of #3

The Snake

Realm of Air

The snake has been searching and learning for a long time. Tried this, tried that, and so came nearer and nearer to the truth. It means the highest consciousness (yellow and white) following a long way of experiences.

Temptations, dark forces, cunning, deviousness, earthly intelligence, lower nature, and biological urges. The Serpent may represent someone trying to trick you. Be wary of people trying to take advantage of you, who may lead you down the wrong path. If the cards surrounding this card are favourable to you, this is a sign that you may be the one who is being devious.




6: Person #3's view of #1

The Fox

Deviousness, plotting, hypocrisy, lies, a warning that something is not what it seems, worldly logic, temptations, trickery. When facing away from the affected card, it means absolute honesty and survival instincts.




7: Person #2's view of #1

The Owls

Meditation, fantasy, further education, also two older people, perhaps a couple. Butterflies and nervous excitement. The Owls may indicate social fear and subsequent flight.




8: Person #3's view of #2

The House

It shows structure in a material form. A frame protecting its content. Blue and green are material colours. Yellow shows consciousness.

Stability, shelter, home life, family, and responsibility. The House also indicates success in creative projects.




9: Person #1's view of #3

The Moon

The moon is the passive part of the rocket. After the sun has burned out all its fire it needs energy from outside. This is a normal effect in a cycle.

Magic, spiritual rituals and traditions, the past, intuitiveness, career/success, recognition, fears, and the unknown. The Moon signifies a period of uncertainty. You may be in or entering a time when it is difficult to be certain about things.










10: Overall relationship between persons #1 and #2

The Mice

Obstacles, losses, hidden enemies, old debts, secrets that eat away at a person, annoyances. The Mouse signifies some minor losses from which you should recover easily, as long as you deal with them while they are still small.




11: Overall relationship between persons #2 and #3

The Dog

A follower, faith, belief, simple kindred spirit, friendliness, connection, friend(s), obedience, finding one's role in the group. The Dog indicates you have a true friendship you can rely on.



12: Overall relationship between persons #1 and #3

The Crucifix

Symbol of fate, karma, guilt, knowledge, belief, tests, sacrifice, grand endings, tough love, and hard lessons. The Crucifix indicates that you may have to make a considerable sacrifice.




13: Overall 3-way Relationship

The Park

Society, connection, peace, lack of worries, multi-faceted feelings, gatherings, and parties. The Park suggests loyal friends to share good times with.





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