Path Layout

Path Layout #1



Difficulty: Easy

For the Path reading, one asks for suggestions how to behave properly to achieve a desired result. The Current column represents how the reader has been acting, and the Suggestedcolumn suggests how they should act to achieve a certain goal. The chart-like spread uses the standard three levels: Rational, Emotional, and External Stance (how one projects oneself outwardly). When comparing the Current and Suggested tiles, the most important thing is to notice the differences between the two tiles. It is these differences which hint at the behaviours that should be altered.

Tile #1 is the significator, the tile which should reflect the nature of the query and/or the desired outcome.

Tile #2 shows the way the reader is and has been thinking. Tile #7 suggests how to change the way one thinks to serve themselves better.

Tile #3 suggests the reader's emotional attitude. Though it may seem difficult to manipulate one's own emotions, it can be done if one puts their mind to it. For example, acting a certain way such as smiling intently for a few minutes will lead the emotions to follow. When a person tries this, as silly as the exercise seems, they find this to evoke the emotion of happiness. For this reading, one should try to make themselves feel the way that Tile #6 suggests.

External Stance means how one acts outwardly, how they hope others see them. Tile #4 is about how the reader has been acting, while #5 indicates how they should act outwardly, for other people's sake. It is the differences between these tiles that hint at what behaviour patterns should be altered.









Your Path Reading

  Current The Significator

Wan 1
Wan 2
Circles 3
White Dragon
Bamboo 2
External Stance
Bamboo 4
Circles 1





The Significator

Wan 1

Symbol: Entering

The Entering tile indicates that barriers you now face will soon be lifted. Opportunity and success are ahead, but you must have the courage and energy to take advantage of them.





Current Thoughts

Wan 2

Symbol: Sword

The Sword tile indicates a decision must be made before attainment of your goals can be reached.





Suggested Thoughts

Circles 3

Symbol: Phoenix

The Phoenix tile indicates great happiness and joy. The Phoenix is said to be reborn out its ashes. Accordingly, the Phoenix tile also denotes sure recovery from any setbacks encountered.












Current Emotions

White Dragon

Symbol: The Unknown

The White Dragon tile denotes unknown factors in your reading. Exactly what these factors are is beyond our vision, but they will have an impact on your life.





Suggested Emotions

Bamboo 2

Symbol: Duck

The Duck tile symbolises a long-lasting relationship with the strength to overcome all obstacles. It suggests fidelity and trustworthiness. Regardless of the type of partnership in question, the second Bamboo tile indicates a strong, healthy relationship.





Current External Stance

Bamboo 4

Symbol: Carp

The Carp tile indicates the attainment of inner-peace, tranquillity, and freedom from the pressures of everyday life. Contentment will be realised. The Carp's vibrant colours suggest a rich life. This may mean the coming of material and/or spiritual wealth.





Suggested External Stance

Circles 1

Symbol: Pearl

The Pearl tile denotes the attainment of wealth and a life of luxury. The task will be to balance the spiritual self with the physical self.






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