Decision Layout

Decision Layout



Difficulty: Easy

This simple but highly useful layout calls for a question to be asked in this format:

"What happens if I do (X), and what happens if I do not do (X)?"

Please note that it should not be viewed as a decision between two different options, but about whether a single option should be exercised or not. A second option would call for a separate reading.

Domino #7 is the significator, the overall theme of the query.

Dominoes #3, #1, & #5 represent the chronological sequence of events that occurs if the reader chooses to do (X).

Dominoes #4, #2, & #6 represent the chronological sequence of events that unfolds if the reader chooses not to do (X).









Your Decision Reading

The Significator

Outcome if you do it:



Outcome if you don't do it:









Bathing in nectar, your happiness shall increase. Friends and wealth will build up substantially. Prospects are good for all things. Your agility will be impressive – quick like a slippery fish. It will be very beneficial should you seek visions in peaceful fire rituals.




Outcome if you do it:




Your world is about to become more harmonious. All the pieces will come together, and personal power will take form, leading to a heightened level of confidence. However, for this to occur you must be open to change and embrace new ideas.






A new life's path is unfolding before you. Opportunities abound. You will do well if you have the courage to move down this new path, as long as you do not stray from acting morally.






New unions and the strengthening of established unions are just around the corner. These unions may be secular and/or spiritual, and will prove successful. Be open to change, but do not abandon your values. Works of virtue and power are favoured by this sign. Fire activities are highly favoured and increase happiness much, but works involving water, earth, and fixed objects are not at all favourable, even bad.











Outcome if you do not do it:




The sign of the Golden Lotus or 'the unploughed harvest' indicates success in your aims. It may take a little time, but things will get better and better if you address your spiritual self now. You may even want to consider mentoring someone; share your experience and open your heart to those who need guidance.






You will bear witness to an amazing sign. This is a sign of unification, good fortune, success, harmony, and happiness. You should continue on the same path you have been on. The prospects of this sign are not merely good, but excellent. Your life will be enriched.






This sign indicates a growth in popularity. There may be fighting, but you will be victorious. Fame may yield fast wealth or fortune in smaller scattered pieces. If dispelling ghosts, you will be successful if you offer small gifts such as tea.






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