Relationship Layout

Relationship Layout



Difficulty: Easy

This layout is easy to read, like a convenient chart. In this layout, court dominoes generally indicate actual people with the same characteristics. Knights (or corresponding princes, but not kings) and queens are meant to represent actual men and women in this layout. Look for patterns in the dominoes as always.

Domino #1 is the overall significator of the relationship. The two columns on either side of the significator characterise each individual's role in the relationship. The relationship does not have to be romantic. In fact, it could be a relationship between a person and a group, or even how two groups relate.

The top row, dominoes #7 & #2, is about the conscious thoughts of each person, or what they think about the relationship and likewise how they view their partner.

The middle row, dominoes #6 & #3, reveals the way each individual feels about the other. Emotional awareness corresponds to a person's unconscious thoughts that run deep, affecting a person in ways he or she is not fully aware of.

The bottom row, dominoes #5 & #4, represents the way each person behaves, in other words the stance taken regarding the relationship. The way a person acts may be genuine, but sometimes people are phony and manipulative, so it is best to weigh this domino against the other person's dominoes to determine how they match up.









Your Relationship Reading

  You   Other Person
The Significator

External Stance             





The Significator


A sign of good fortune, your plans will be fulfilled. There will be good news. However, other people's promises will bear no results. Trust your own feelings, thoughts and drives over those of the people around you. Only you are responsible for deciding the proper path for you, and right now advice from others may not be compatible with your plans.





The Querent's Thoughts


The Double Blank is perhaps the grandest of dominoes. This domino often symbolises a major change. It is the domino of fate, destiny, providence, and karma. Several new paths will open for you, and you are spiritually and intellectually ready to take them on. However, if this domino is drawn in a single-domino reading, it simply means to ask the question again at a later time.





The Other Person's Thoughts


The time is at hand to pursue new ventures. Your wishes will be accomplished, exceeding all expectations. The study of logic will bear tremendous fruit, as would diligent meditation upon your special deity or spirit guide. Partnerships are extremely well-favoured. Opportunities may seem too good to be true, but hear them out fully before ruling anything out.












The Querent's Emotions


Your world is about to become more harmonious. All the pieces will come together, and personal power will take form, leading to a heightened level of confidence. However, for this to occur you must be open to change and embrace new ideas.





The Other Person's Emotions


New unions and the strengthening of established unions are just around the corner. These unions may be secular and/or spiritual, and will prove successful. Be open to change, but do not abandon your values. Works of virtue and power are favoured by this sign. Fire activities are highly favoured and increase happiness much, but works involving water, earth, and fixed objects are not at all favourable, even bad.





The Querent's External Stance


Steady work will accomplish much, especially if performed quickly. It is difficult to predict beyond this, except that air activities such as sending letters or news are not favoured. Fiery activities are preferred.





The Other Person's External Stance


There will be no results, as a dried-up tree produces no fruit. This sign indicates that your reach may have exceeded your grasp. The constantly afflicted mind cannot achieve its desires, and therefore continues to suffer. Too many, or too lofty wishes will not be fulfilled. This sign also suggests performing rituals to ancestors and earth spirits to rectify disturbances.






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