Past Present Future Layout

3 Domino Layout



Difficulty: Very easy

This simplistic chronological layout can be used to shed light on the influences that have passed, current influences, and what is approaching in the near future. Not much explanation is necessary for this simple layout.









Your Past Present Future Reading

The Past

The Present

The Future






The Past


Allow your feelings and passions to guide you. Do not allow your emotions to take a back seat to your intellect at this time. Explore your deepest feelings about every aspect of your life and act to ease any lingering negativity. Peaceful activities and purification rituals are beneficial. Destructive works will not succeed.





The Present


New unions and the strengthening of established unions are just around the corner. These unions may be secular and/or spiritual, and will prove successful. Be open to change, but do not abandon your values. Works of virtue and power are favoured by this sign. Fire activities are highly favoured and increase happiness much, but works involving water, earth, and fixed objects are not at all favourable, even bad.












The Future


This sign is also known as 'the wish-fulfilling tree'. There will be quick success. Matters involving the delivery of news are particularly favourable. Decorations and streamers are very effective.






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