Past Present Future Layout
Difficulty: Very easy
This simplistic chronological layout can be used to shed light on the influences that have passed, current influences, and what is approaching in the near future. Not much explanation is necessary for this simple layout.
Your Past Present Future Reading
The Past One/One |
The Present Two/Two |
The Future Blank/Two |
The Past
The time is at hand to pursue new ventures. Your wishes will be accomplished, exceeding all expectations. The study of logic will bear tremendous fruit, as would diligent meditation upon your special deity or spirit guide. Partnerships are extremely well-favoured. Opportunities may seem too good to be true, but hear them out fully before ruling anything out.
The Present
New unions and the strengthening of established unions are just around the corner. These unions may be secular and/or spiritual, and will prove successful. Be open to change, but do not abandon your values. Works of virtue and power are favoured by this sign. Fire activities are highly favoured and increase happiness much, but works involving water, earth, and fixed objects are not at all favourable, even bad.
The Future
New friendships and opportunities will soon be yours. It is possible you will meet a new love, or the love you already have will deepen. However, you must be open to change and dare to take risks.