Ankh Spread

Ankh Spread



Difficulty: Kind of tough

The Ankh Spread is for questions about the causes behind trends. It is similar to the Celtic Cross and Secret of the High Priestess spreads, but it covers the reasons behind the circumstances in question differently, perhaps giving a better explanation of why things are the way they are.

The loop of the upper section of the ankh reveals the spiritual background and causes of the situation, while the stem of the base focuses on prospects for the outcome.

The first two tarot cards represent the two parent causes of the situation. They will either complement each other or show two opposing sides of a conflict, depending on how they relate. These are the significator cards of the Ankh spread.

3. This tarot card shines light upon the early causes of the trend in question.

4. Pinpoints the causes that triggered the current situation.

5. Reveals the spiritual perspective of the subject at hand.

6. This card examines the reasons why this course of action had to unfold, as a means to this end.

At this point, it is good to pause to soak in the meaning of the first six cards before moving forward to the last three cards. The last three reveal prospects for the future.

7. The Next Step gives clues about the immediate future.

8. Surprising Experiences encountered en route to the result.

9. This represents the result.









Your Ankh Reading

Early Causes Higher Perceptions

King of Spades
Triggering Causes

Jack of Clubs
Necessary Conclusions

Ten of Spades
Significator #1

Seven of Spades
Significator #2

Ace of Hearts
Next Step

Three of Spades

Nine of Diamonds
  Surprising Experiences

Five of Spades

Three of Hearts





Significator #1

Ace of Hearts

The Root of Water

Joy, contentment, love, fruitfulness, beauty.






Significator #2

Three of Spades


Saturn in Libra

Melancholy, disruption, discord, delay, separation.






Early Causes

Jack of Clubs


A young man, just, noble, generous, impulsive, humorous, strong.






Triggering Causes

Ten of Spades


Sun in Gemini

Reason divorced from reality, the end of sanity, disaster, failure. Spiritually may mean the end of delusion.













Higher Perceptions

King of Spades


An active, skilful, witty, clever, fierce man.






Necessary Conclusions

Seven of Spades


Moon in Aquarius

Fighting a hopeless battle in vain, with no prospect of victory. Partial success by stalling through lack of energy when victory is achieved.






The Next Step

Nine of Diamonds


Venus in Virgo

Inheritance, increase in wealth, material fortune, accomplishment.







Five of Spades


Venus in Aquarius

Weakness, loss, spite, malice, trouble, dishonour, anxiety. A driver of wedges.






The Outcome

Three of Hearts


Mercury in Cancer

Fulfilment, conclusion, plenty, fertility, hospitality, kindness, creation.






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