Three-Card Spread
Difficulty: Very easy
This simplistic chronological spread can be used to shed light on the influences that are now behind you, current influences, and what is approaching in the near future. Not much explanation is necessary on this one.
Your Three-Card Reading
The Past Nine of Clubs |
The Present Ten of Clubs |
The Future Ace of Clubs |
The Past
Nine of Clubs
Moon in SagittariusGreat strength, tremendous force, recovery, health, power, triumph. Change is stability.
The Present
Ten of Clubs
Saturn in SagittariusBrute force with no apparent spiritual source. Lies, repression, cruelty, malice. The element of fire in its most destructive form.
The Future
Ace of Clubs
The Root of Fire
Energy, natural force, strength, creation, invention, pioneer spirit, enterprise, source, beginning, birth.