The Astrological Spread
Difficulty: Complicated
The Astrological Tarot Spread is based upon houses of astrology. This complicated spread takes several steps to understand.
The first step is to interpret the tarot card for each individual position in the spread.
The second step involves further examination of the main axes. Positions 1 & 7 show the relationship theme, #1 representing the reader, #7 their partner. Positions 4 & 10 indicate motion. #4 indicates where the reader is now, and #10 suggests what they are moving towards.
The third step involves breaking down the chart into triads according to their house elements.
Positions 1, 5, & 9 represent the Fire triad, symbolizing temperament and personal development.
Positions 2, 6, & 10 represent the Earth triad, concerned with materialism, money, and work.
Positions 3, 7, & 11 represent the Air triad, which has to do with thoughts, ideas, and connections with other people.
Positions 4, 8, & 12 represent the Water triad, the realm of emotions, moods, intuition, and yearnings.
Further, other patterns and correlations between certain numbers can be noted. Certain numbers such as the set of 5, 7, & 8 often speak about a particular theme.
Your Astrological Reading
10 | ||||||
11 | 9 | |||||
12 | 8 | |||||
1 | 7 | |||||
2 | 6 | |||||
3 | 5 | |||||
4 | ||||||
1: Basic Mood
10 of Wands – Oppression
Saturn in Sagittarius
The wands have now become bars. We live in prisons of flesh. We are each our own warden and we all do our own time.
Brute force with no apparent spiritual source. Lies, repression, cruelty, malice. The element of fire in its most destructive form.
2: Finance
Princess of Wands
A robust young woman stands on the mountain firing arrows. Her arrows represent the other Wands courts, Sagittarius, Aries, and Leo. She is a passionate, brilliant, and independent young woman. The tiger is a symbol of the lower animal nature that grounds her.
An individualistic energetic glowing young woman, impulsive in matters of love.
When ill-dignified: superficial, shallow, gossiping, unreliable, cruel, domineering.
3: Mundane Life
Knight of Disks
The Knight of Disks rides the pale horse. His horse is in fact a unicorn, a symbol of Virgo. Bearing the sickle, he has come to reap the harvest. The shield radiates waves of energy that symbolise his connection with the sphere of earth. He is concerned primarily with material values.
Agricultural proficiency, skills regarding material concerns, perhaps preoccupied with material concerns and therefore dull.
When ill-dignified: a petty, jealous, small-minded man.
4: Home
7 of Swords – Futility
Moon in Aquarius
Six swords descend upon one large sword. The six moons have mutinously ganged up on their master. The battle seems hopeless. Even with the strongest blade, the numbers may be overwhelming.
Fighting a hopeless battle in vain, with no prospect of victory. Partial success by stalling through lack of energy when victory is achieved.
5: Fun Things
8 of Disks – Prudence
Sun in Virgo
This card is about the virtue of patience, or taking things in their proper times. Eight clocks are hung from Jacob's Ladder. With effort dreams will be attainable. Remember: one step at a time.
Industriousness, agriculture, building, construction, intelligence in material affairs.
When ill-dignified: too much care spent on details at the expense of the big picture.
6: Work
The Hierophant
The Hierophant holds the keys to the otherworld. He is the embodiment of spiritual authority and wisdom, the knower of the spiritual universe. The swastika inside the star of David represents spiritual understanding of various perspectives being used to unlock the seven seals.
Divine wisdom, inspiration, organisation, teaching, gaining knowledge from superiors, tradition, patience. Sometimes occult force voluntarily invoked. Respected elder, mercy, alliance, marriage.
7: Partners
5 of Cups – Disappointment
Mars in Scorpio
In this card the water has turned to muck and the sky has gone pink. A scorpion is in the centre of the pentagram formed by the five cups, which are represented here as tridents. Hostility or aggression turned inwards.
Disturbance ending pleasure. Grief, misfortune, sadness, loss, treachery, bitterness, frustration, bad marriage, expectations unfulfilled.
8: Hidden Aspects
2 of Swords – Peace
Moon in Libra
Two swords stuck in a mound form the shape of a V, the symbolic gesture of peace like the hippies were so fond of. The owners have thrown their arms down in the spirit of harmony.
Contradictory characteristics of the same nature coming together. Pleasure after pain. Quarrel resolved.
9: Higher Views
The Wheel of Fortune
Who knows what the Wheel of Providence has in store for you? Deep down inside, you do.
Providence, fate, karma. A change in fortune, generally a good change.
10: Reputation
Ace of Cups
The Root of Water
The cup of Kether is the holy grail. Ten rays beam from the single source of light emanating from the cup. The cup is a vessel for the light. The beginning of a new way of feeling.
Joy, contentment, love, fruitfulness, beauty.
11: Friends
The Empress
The Empress is queen of queens, the wife archetype. Radiating warmth, she gazes at the dove, symbolic of holy love. Two cherubs overlook her and two overlook the other half. The pelican feeding her young her own blood symbolises the self-sacrifice of motherhood.
Graciousness, elegance, love, gentleness, beauty.
When ill-dignified: wasting time, debauchery.
12: Hopes and Fears
Princess of Swords
A young slender female has come down the mountain. The air symbols of Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius are all there in this card. The clouds indicate a storm front. Of the three men symbolising her thoughts, she has already killed one. She holds the middle one at bay as the other begs for his life. She may be wise in the ways of evil, but to do good she has no knowledge.
An aggressive, vengeful young lady of destructive logic, subtle, wise, and dexterous in practical affairs. This card also represents ruling out bad ideas.