Celtic Cross Spread

Celtic Cross



Difficulty: Average

This is probably the most well-known tarot spread. A good, basic spread for beginners to practise with, the Celtic Cross is useful for questions of all types. In this spread, it can be helpful to notice the relationships between the pairings of cards #5 & #9, #1 & #2, #3 & #4, and #6 & #10.

  1. The significator epitomizes what the reading deals with, the initial situation.
  2. An added impulse that compounds the significator, which may be either complimentary or contradictory.
  3. This is what is consciously known (thoughts).
  4. Unconscious driving forces that may not be known fully (emotions).
  5. The immediate past regarding the current situation.
  6. The first future card indicates the immediate future.
  7. This card represents the reader and their attitude towards cards #1 and #2.
  8. The external influences, the places and people which influence the topic.
  9. This tarot card suggests expectations; what is secretly hoped for or feared.
  10. The second future card reveals the long-term outcome.









Your Celtic Cross Reading


The Crown

The Emperor

  The Outcome

8 of Swords – Interference

Hopes and Fears

9 of Disks – Gain

External Forces

7 of Disks – Failure

The Querent

Queen of Swords

The Recent Past

Ace of Cups

The Crossing Card

5 of Wands – Strife

The Significator

Prince of Disks

The Future

10 of Disks – Wealth

Foundation card

The Priestess




The Significator represents what the main theme of the reading deals with, the initial situation.



Prince of Disks

8:00 – 10:00 Male

The Prince of Disks rides his chariot pulled by the bull. His disk is a sphere. The air of earth is represented by the vegetation he ploughs through. He is a worker at heart, grounded on the earth plane, and concerned with materialism above all else. He may resent the spirituality that eludes his grasp.

A young man with skill in practical matters, reliable, and perhaps dull.






The Crossing Card denotes an added impulse that compounds the initial card, whether complimentary or contradictory.


5 of Wands – Strife

Saturn in Leo

Conflict. Five male lion heads together represent opposition and a battle of wills. The nature of each lion is to dominate his territory, so five in one place is not good. They butt heads in the struggle for supremacy.

Struggle, competition, opposition, violence, quarrelling, lust and carnal desire.






The Crown stands for what the asker is aware of consciously.


The Emperor


The king of the world represents power, authority, and male vitality. The ruler sitting on his throne bears the male symbols of earthly authority. The lamb at his feet represents not only the sheepishness of his servants, but the self-sacrifice required of a great leader.

Ambition, conquest, originality, leadership, stability, realisation, power, fortitude, powerful man, authority, conviction.
Ill-dignified: bad temper, counterproductive pride, rashness, even megalomania.













Foundation card reveals unconscious driving forces that the querent may not be aware of.


The Priestess

The Moon

The Priestess sits on her throne, queen of the heavens, the eternal virgin, and the counterpart of the Hierophant. She holds the keys to the feminine secrets of the universe.

Enthusiastic focus on the unconscious. A pure, exalted influence comes into play. The Priestess warns not to get too carried away.






The Recent Past represents past events and concerns.


Ace of Cups

The Root of Water

The cup of Kether is the holy grail. Ten rays beam from the single source of light emanating from the cup. The cup is a vessel for the light. The beginning of a new way of feeling.

Joy, contentment, love, fruitfulness, beauty.






The Future depicts that which lies ahead.


5 of Wands – Strife

Saturn in Leo

Conflict. Five male lion heads together represent opposition and a battle of wills. The nature of each lion is to dominate his territory, so five in one place is not good. They butt heads in the struggle for supremacy.

Struggle, competition, opposition, violence, quarrelling, lust and carnal desire.






The Querent represents the asker and their attitude towards the subject of the reading.


Queen of Swords

2:00 – 4:00 Female

The Queen of Swords sits on the throne of heaven. The moon has eclipsed the sun, making for a strange overcast. The eclipse is a symbol of two that are one, a reference to the dual nature of Libra. The eclipse also represents her as a dominant female, overshadowing the male, and this is also apparent in her left hand. She represents clear perception and the pinnacle of thought. However, superficial attractiveness coupled with a lack of empathy makes her the most dangerous female in the deck.

A confident, gracious, just, perceptive, graceful, elegant woman.
When ill-dignified: A cruel, sly, deceitful, unreliable woman who uses charm as a weapon.






External Forces represents the influence of others in your life as well as trends in your relationships with others.


7 of Disks – Failure

Saturn in Taurus

Seven seals linked by the rainbow bridge descend enlightenment to the bull. Ignorant and arrogant, he blocks his own path. The darkness of his own delusions repels his gift from above, scattering the light.

Sloth, abandoned labour, hopes deceived, promises unfulfilled, disappointment. Great effort producing little gain.
When well-dignified: charity work for no profit, growth after delay.













Hopes and Fears shows the expectations you have concerning the outcome of your question.


9 of Disks – Gain

Venus in Virgo

Six of the nine disks have now turned to coins, representing material gain. The three spiritual disks converge in the centre, forming a colour wheel and a rainbow. There are two triangles formed by the coins, one male and one female. A card of material gain.

Inheritance, increase in wealth, material fortune, accomplishment.
When ill-dignified: envy, theft.






The Outcomeof your question. Interpret this card in the context of the entire reading and as an indicator of the path you are currently on, but not necessarily bound to.


8 of Swords – Interference

Jupiter in Gemini

Two swords of one kind have gone on a power trip over six swords of different kinds. They have interfered with the natural chaos in establishing order.

Waste of energy in attention to details at the expense of the big picture. Restriction. Bad news, sickness, crisis, censure, distress, hardship, misfortune.






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