Comic Strip Spread

Comic Strip Spread



Difficulty: Easy

Note: This spread works best with decks like the Diary of a Broken Soul or Surrealist Tarot because they display scenes rather than pips and do not use reversals.

The Comic Strip Spread is a simple nine-card chronological spread that looks like a page of a comic book. This method should be used to get a glimpse of the future as it would pan out naturally. It may be insightful to use this spread in coordination with biorhythms. The spread is easy to read as a storyboard, just like a comic strip.

The main subject is apparent in the first card, while the story plays out through the following tarot cards.

It is important to pay particular attention to the cards and the relationships with their neighbours. Notice which directions the cards are facing, and how they interact.










Your Comic Strip Reading

8 of Disks – Prudence
The Sun
Ace of Swords
Prince of Disks
Queen of Cups
2 of Disks – Change
The Chariot
6 of Wands – Victory





Card 1: 8 of Disks – Prudence

Sun in Virgo

This card is about the virtue of patience, or taking things in their proper times. Eight clocks are hung from Jacob's Ladder. With effort dreams will be attainable. Remember: one step at a time.

Industriousness, agriculture, building, construction, intelligence in material affairs.
When ill-dignified: too much care spent on details at the expense of the big picture.





Card 2: The Sun

The Sun

The Sun says that in order to be successful one must become success. The enlightened aura boldly enlightens the darkness, shedding warmth and light on all who see it. Abraxas represents both darkness and light, unified and transcended. His sign is the swastika which represents the sun, the number 6, the four seasons, and the totality of time. The twins dance under the sun signifying good times. Like Abraxas they represent the unity of opposites.

Manifestation, shamelessness, truth, glory, gain, triumph, satisfaction.
When ill-dignified: arrogance, vanity, counter-productive pride. An excess of brilliance burns.





Card 3: Adjustment


Justice. Balance is achieved through adaptation. You may need to take a look at the book.

Justice, balance, equilibrium. A pause in the action to achieve balance.





Card 4: Ace of Swords

The Root of Air

The initial embodiment of the spirit of air is the bearer of light. The sword penetrates the crown of Kether. In the background ten rays pour out of the spiritual sun, indicating the full potential contained within the seed of the Ace. The beginning of a new way of thinking.

Invoked force, conquest, strength through tribulation, triumph of force. A spiritual understanding with heaven.












Card 5: Prince of Disks

8:00 – 10:00 Male

The Prince of Disks rides his chariot pulled by the bull. His disk is a sphere. The air of earth is represented by the vegetation he ploughs through. He is a worker at heart, grounded on the earth plane, and concerned with materialism above all else. He may resent the spirituality that eludes his grasp.

A young man with skill in practical matters, reliable, and perhaps dull.





Card 6: Queen of Cups

5:00 – 7:00 Female

The Queen of Cups sits on a waterfall throne in front of a cave. In her right hand she holds a lotus and in her left she holds a silver cup. On her crown is a crab, a symbol of Cancer. In the background is a dark canyon and in the foreground her reflection is visible in the water. She represents the most passive and receptive type of person.

A dreamy, imaginative, tranquil, poetic, and extremely receptive woman. Generous, yet not overly hospitable. She is very dependent on the neighbour cards in determining dignification.





Card 7: 2 of Disks – Change

Jupiter in Capricorn

Ouroboros eats its tail as the symbol of eternal change. The snake wears a crown of the moon to symbolise constant change. Two yin-yangs spin opposite directions.

Constant change, likely a pleasant change, visit to friends, wandering.





Card 8: The Chariot


Your soul is like the driver and your body is the vehicle for your personal exploration of the universe.

The charioteer is a link in a chain of command. Exploration of the universe, obedience, hope, triumph.
When ill-dignified: status-quo maintenance muscle.





Card 9: 6 of Wands – Victory

Jupiter in Leo

This card represents energy in its most balanced and powerful state. Six snake-rods are crossed with nine flames burning at the joints. This represents the male energy being reflected by the female in a state of perfect harmony and balance.

Triumph after strife. Success and gain, good news, expectations fulfilled.
When ill-dignified: excessive pride and insolence.






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