Decision Spread

Decision Spread



Difficulty: Easy

This simple but highly useful spread calls for a question to be asked in this format:

'What happens if I do (X), and what happens if I do not do (X)?'

Please note that it should not be viewed as a decision between two different options, but about whether a single option should be exercised or not. A second option would call for a separate reading.

Card #7 is the significator, the overall theme of the query.

Cards #3, #1, & #5 represent the chronological sequence of events that occurs if the reader chooses to do (X).

Cards #4, #2, & #6 represent the chronological sequence of events that unfolds if the reader chooses not to do (X).









Your Decision Reading

The Significator

3 of Swords – Sorrow
Outcome if you do it:

6 of Wands – Victory

3 of Wands – Virtue

8 of Disks – Prudence
Outcome if you don't do it:

9 of Swords – Cruelty

Knight of Disks

4 of Disks – Power





3 of Swords – Sorrow

Saturn in Libra

Two swords are crossed with a short sword connecting them into the form of a triangle. The upside-down pyramid symbolises a creation gone wrong. A deep storm is brewing in the background.

Melancholy, disruption, discord, delay, separation, trouble, remorse, rupture, dispersion, removal, division.
When well-dignified: faithfulness and honesty in love and commerce.




Outcome if you do it:



6 of Wands – Victory

Jupiter in Leo

This card represents energy in its most balanced and powerful state. Six snake-rods are crossed with nine flames burning at the joints. This represents the male energy being reflected by the female in a state of perfect harmony and balance.

Triumph after strife. Success and gain, good news, expectations fulfilled.
When ill-dignified: excessive pride and insolence.





3 of Wands – Virtue

Sun in Aries

This card represents the pioneer motivated by the spirit of goodwill. You do what is right in your eyes. There is also a tendency toward egotism in this card.

Realisation of hope. Noble cause. Pride and arrogance.
When ill-dignified: conceit.





8 of Disks – Prudence

Sun in Virgo

This card is about the virtue of patience, or taking things in their proper times. Eight clocks are hung from Jacob's Ladder. With effort dreams will be attainable. Remember: one step at a time.

Industriousness, agriculture, building, construction, intelligence in material affairs.
When ill-dignified: too much care spent on details at the expense of the big picture.











Outcome if you do not do it:



9 of Swords – Cruelty

Mars in Gemini

Nine rusty chipped blades dripping blood symbolise pain and suffering. There is probably a profound lack of empathy associated with this card, and if not that, definitely sadism or malice. Too much thinking has now progressed the matter into the realm of madness.

Suffering, pain, malice, loss, lies, despair, slander.
When well-dignified: obedience, patience, faithfulness, selflessness.





Knight of Disks


The Knight of Disks rides the pale horse. His horse is in fact a unicorn, a symbol of Virgo. Bearing the sickle, he has come to reap the harvest. The shield radiates waves of energy that symbolise his connection with the sphere of earth. He is concerned primarily with material values.

Agricultural proficiency, skills regarding material concerns, perhaps preoccupied with material concerns and therefore dull.
When ill-dignified: a petty, jealous, small-minded man.





4 of Disks – Power

Sun in Capricorn

The disks have become square. At this phase revolution of the disks is undesirable. The fortress shows law and order. Earthly power and authority have been established.

Earthly power, dominion, law and order, material success, skill in confrontation. Also, fortress, shelter, defence, home.
When ill-dignified: Prejudice, envy, suspicion.






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