Path Spread

Path Spread #1



Difficulty: Easy

For the Path reading, one asks for suggestions how to behave properly to achieve a desired result. The Current column represents how the reader has been acting, and the Suggestedcolumn suggests how they should act to achieve a certain goal. The chart-like spread uses the standard three levels: Rational, Emotional, and External Stance (how one projects oneself outwardly). When comparing the Current and Suggested cards, the most important thing is to notice the differences between the two cards. It is these differences which hint at the behaviours that should be altered.

Card #1 is the significator, the card which should reflect the nature of the query and/or the desired outcome.

Card #2 shows the way the reader is and has been thinking. Card #7 suggests how to change the way one thinks to serve themselves better.

Card #3 suggests the reader's emotional attitude. Though it may seem difficult to manipulate one's own emotions, it can be done if one puts their mind to it. For example, acting a certain way such as smiling intently for a few minutes will lead the emotions to follow. When a person tries this, as silly as the exercise seems, they find this to evoke the emotion of happiness. For this reading, one should try to make themselves feel the way that Card #6 suggests.

External Stance means how one acts outwardly, how they hope others see them. Card #4 is about how the reader has been acting, while #5 indicates how they should act outwardly, for other people's sake. It is the differences between these cards that hint at what behaviour patterns should be altered.









Your Path Reading

  Current The Significator

Princess of Cups
5 of Wands – Strife
5 of Cups – Disappointment
The Hanged Man
7 of Disks – Failure
External Stance
The Tower
Knight of Swords





The Significator

Princess of Cups

A voluptuous young woman steps from the water onto land. Crystals form at her feet, symbolising ideas taking shape. Her crown is a swan. In her right hand she carries a bronze cup with a tortoise inside it, and in her left hand she has a lotus. She is gentle, kind, and caring. This is a card of creation and formative energy.

A voluptuous, kind, romantic, dreamy young woman.
When ill-dignified: indolent, selfish woman.





Current Thoughts

5 of Wands – Strife

Saturn in Leo

Conflict. Five male lion heads together represent opposition and a battle of wills. The nature of each lion is to dominate his territory, so five in one place is not good. They butt heads in the struggle for supremacy.

Struggle, competition, opposition, violence, quarrelling, lust and carnal desire.





Suggested Thoughts

5 of Cups – Disappointment

Mars in Scorpio

In this card the water has turned to muck and the sky has gone pink. A scorpion is in the centre of the pentagram formed by the five cups, which are represented here as tridents. Hostility or aggression turned inwards.

Disturbance ending pleasure. Grief, misfortune, sadness, loss, treachery, bitterness, frustration, bad marriage, expectations unfulfilled.












Current Emotions

The Hanged Man


Like The Hermit, The Hanged Man contemplates existence, but on a different level. He hangs from the crucifix and mirrors the scene above in the shape of an ankh. This card is about understanding sacrifice.

Enforced sacrifice, self-sacrifice, suffering, redemption. Progress through using a different perspective. A waiting period.
When ill-dignified: punishment, loss, death, more of the same.





Suggested Emotions

7 of Disks – Failure

Saturn in Taurus

Seven seals linked by the rainbow bridge descend enlightenment to the bull. Ignorant and arrogant, he blocks his own path. The darkness of his own delusions repels his gift from above, scattering the light.

Sloth, abandoned labour, hopes deceived, promises unfulfilled, disappointment. Great effort producing little gain.
When well-dignified: charity work for no profit, growth after delay.





Current External Stance

The Tower


This is the dark side of The Magus; the lower self. The Demiurge has come out to play. Many are struck down on their quest to the top. Only the chosen one can climb the stairway to heaven. He must first acquire the proper understandings and tools or his climb will certainly be disastrous. Now is the time to use what you've been building up inside. Often a card of war.

Danger, destruction, quarrel, combat, ambition. Escape from prison. Rise to the top at the expense of others.





Suggested External Stance

Knight of Swords


The Knight of Swords rides a red horse, symbolising the fiery passion that drives his intellectual pursuits. The birds that fly beneath him symbolise quick-wittedness. He bears a great sword in his right hand while he stashes a dagger in his left, symbolising the witty two-sided personality of a Gemini.

An active, skilful, witty, clever, fierce man.
When ill-dignified: An indecisive, cunning, deceitful man.






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