Secret of the High Priestess Spread

Secret of the High Priestess



Difficulty: Average

This spread makes a nice alternative to the Celtic Cross, which covers basically the same ground. It is useful when a question doesn't quite call for the Ankh spread. This tarot spread is helpful for looking into a current trend. The High Priestess may or may not present a mysterious secret to be analysed after the rest of the spread.

1. & 2. Main impulses representing the topic at hand. They may compliment or oppose one another.

3. This is the current influence at this time.

5. The Waning Moon is the influence that is moving into the past.

4. The Waxing Moon indicates what is on the horizon, or the approaching influence. This is the immediate future.

7. The Light is what is clearly recognized, consciously.

6. The Dark indicates what is there but not fully perceived, though noticed on a deeper level of consciousness.

8. The Next Step is the near future, where this journey leads.

9. The final tarot card, only if it happens to be of the Major Arcana, reveals the Secret of the High Priestess. This is a special message that should be given added weight.









Your Secret of the High Priestess Reading

The Waxing Moon

6 of Swords – Science
The Full Moon

10 of Cups – Satiety
The Waning Moon

2 of Wands – Dominion
  Significator #1

2 of Cups – Love
Significator #2

The Magus
The Dark

7 of Cups – Debauch
The Secret of the High Priestess

3 of Swords – Sorrow
The Light

The Empress
  The Next Step

Knight of Disks




Significator #1  


2 of Cups – Love

Venus in Cancer

One heart fills both the gold and silver cups. Two vessels bound by one soul are the perfect match.

Perfect harmony between male and female radiates warmth and ecstasy. Love, union, friendship, warmth, comfort, passion, affinity, intercourse.



Significator #2  


The Magus


The Magician stands on the mountain commanding the forces to obey his will.

Drive, willpower, skill, wisdom, craft, cunning, messages, business, creativity, wit, initiative, self-discipline. Sometimes occult wisdom or power.
When ill-dignified: knowledge interfering with the objective of the matter.



The Waning Moon is the influence that you are putting behind you, as it moves into the past. 


2 of Wands – Dominion

Mars in Aries

What is the difference between passion and obsession?
Possession. Whether it manifests as anguish, lust, rage, or bliss, this is the fire of passion that drives your being. This card represents the vitality of pure will.

Fire in its strongest form. Influence, courage, boldness, fierceness.
When ill-dignified: turbulence, wasting anxious energy.




The Full Moon is the current influence at this time. 


10 of Cups – Satiety

Mars in Pisces

The nine lower cups are filled with the shining light of Kether from above, just as in the blueprint contained within the Ace all along. Overwhelming emotions here risk crossing the boundaries of sanity.

Pleasure fulfilled yet incomplete.
When ill-dignified: waste, stagnation, debauchery.











The Waxing Moon indicates what is on the horizon; the approaching influence. 


6 of Swords – Science

Mercury in Aquarius

Six swords in the form of a hexagram converge in the centre of the rose cross. There is wisdom in the symbolism of this card, a multifaceted intellect that goes straight to the heart.

A goal realised.
When ill-dignified: selfishness, conceit, intellectual pride.



The Light is what is clearly recognized. 


The Empress


The Empress is queen of queens, the wife archetype. Radiating warmth, she gazes at the dove, symbolic of holy love. Two cherubs overlook her and two overlook the other half. The pelican feeding her young her own blood symbolises the self-sacrifice of motherhood.

Graciousness, elegance, love, gentleness, beauty.
When ill-dignified: wasting time, debauchery.




The Dark shows what is there but not fully perceived, though it has been noticed on a deeper level of consciousness. 


7 of Cups – Debauch

Venus in Scorpio

Seven copper cups in the shape of a septagram overflow with the oil of gladness, pleasure taken once again to excess. The star of Babylon is a symbol of whoredom.

Loss or lack of moral values. Deception, shameless indulgence, lust, fornication, intoxication, delusion, promises unfulfilled.




The Next Step is the near future, where this journey will take you. 


Knight of Disks


The Knight of Disks rides the pale horse. His horse is in fact a unicorn, a symbol of Virgo. Bearing the sickle, he has come to reap the harvest. The shield radiates waves of energy that symbolise his connection with the sphere of earth. He is concerned primarily with material values.

Agricultural proficiency, skills regarding material concerns, perhaps preoccupied with material concerns and therefore dull.
When ill-dignified: a petty, jealous, small-minded man.




The Secret of the High Priestess - if, and only if, this card a Major Arcana, it reveals the Secret of the High Priestess. This is a special spiritual message that you should pay extra special attention to. If it is not a trump, the Priestess has revealed no secret. 


3 of Swords – Sorrow

Saturn in Libra

Two swords are crossed with a short sword connecting them into the form of a triangle. The upside-down pyramid symbolises a creation gone wrong. A deep storm is brewing in the background.

Melancholy, disruption, discord, delay, separation, trouble, remorse, rupture, dispersion, removal, division.
When well-dignified: faithfulness and honesty in love and commerce.






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