The Love Triangle Spread

The Love Triangle Spread



Difficulty: Complicated

Casually referred to as the Love Triangle, this spread can be used to determine the dynamics of the relationship between three people, regardless of whether romance is involved. This spread is arranged in the form of a hexagram, consisting of several large and small triangles. This tarot spread may seem somewhat complicated, but it is not entirely that difficult.

The first step is to interpret the card for each individual position in the spread. Generally, one might ask about a relationship they are involved in, but this does not have to be the case. Ordinarily, the reader's representative card is #1, their main person of interest is #2, and the other person would be #3.

The second step fills in the downward triangle and involves further examination of the individuals through their views of the other people. Each person has two more cards showing the way they see and relate to the other members of the triangle. For example, Card #6 indicates how Person #3 relates to Person #1, while Card #9 stands for Person #1's attitude toward Person #3.

The next step completes the upward triangle and the hexagram, focusing on cards #10–13. It also completes the many smaller triangles and hints at the potential for each relationship. The final card, #13 can be considered the significator of the reading, which suggests the overall potential for this three-way relationship.









Your Love Triangle Reading


P#3   3to2 2+3
2to3   P#2
3to1 Overall 2to1
1+3 1to3 1to2 1+2




1: Person #1

Queen of Cups

5:00 – 7:00 Female

The Queen of Cups sits on a waterfall throne in front of a cave. In her right hand she holds a lotus and in her left she holds a silver cup. On her crown is a crab, a symbol of Cancer. In the background is a dark canyon and in the foreground her reflection is visible in the water. She represents the most passive and receptive type of person.

A dreamy, imaginative, tranquil, poetic, and extremely receptive woman. Generous, yet not overly hospitable. She is very dependent on the neighbour cards in determining dignification.




2: Person #2

Princess of Cups

A voluptuous young woman steps from the water onto land. Crystals form at her feet, symbolising ideas taking shape. Her crown is a swan. In her right hand she carries a bronze cup with a tortoise inside it, and in her left hand she has a lotus. She is gentle, kind, and caring. This is a card of creation and formative energy.

A voluptuous, kind, romantic, dreamy young woman.
When ill-dignified: indolent, selfish woman.




3: Person #3

9 of Cups – Happiness

Jupiter in Pisces

The water level here is the highest in the suit. The perfection of water in Yesod makes this the happiest card in the whole deck. In an ocean of paradise two dolphins playfully leap between floating cups.

A feeling of perfect happiness and well-being.










4: Person #1's view of #2

8 of Swords – Interference

Jupiter in Gemini

Two swords of one kind have gone on a power trip over six swords of different kinds. They have interfered with the natural chaos in establishing order.

Waste of energy in attention to details at the expense of the big picture. Restriction. Bad news, sickness, crisis, censure, distress, hardship, misfortune.




5: Person #2's view of #3

2 of Swords – Peace

Moon in Libra

Two swords stuck in a mound form the shape of a V, the symbolic gesture of peace like the hippies were so fond of. The owners have thrown their arms down in the spirit of harmony.

Contradictory characteristics of the same nature coming together. Pleasure after pain. Quarrel resolved.




6: Person #3's view of #1

Knight of Disks


The Knight of Disks rides the pale horse. His horse is in fact a unicorn, a symbol of Virgo. Bearing the sickle, he has come to reap the harvest. The shield radiates waves of energy that symbolise his connection with the sphere of earth. He is concerned primarily with material values.

Agricultural proficiency, skills regarding material concerns, perhaps preoccupied with material concerns and therefore dull.
When ill-dignified: a petty, jealous, small-minded man.




7: Person #2's view of #1

9 of Wands – Great Strength

Moon in Sagittarius

Great Strength. Eight arrows have been collected and are now under the authority of a headmaster arrow. They have been completed by this arrangement and the addition of the moon-heads. The driving force that empowers them is the sun.

Great strength, tremendous force, power, competition, warrior spirit, focused rage. Change is stability.




8: Person #3's view of #2

The Tower


This is the dark side of The Magus; the lower self. The Demiurge has come out to play. Many are struck down on their quest to the top. Only the chosen one can climb the stairway to heaven. He must first acquire the proper understandings and tools or his climb will certainly be disastrous. Now is the time to use what you've been building up inside. Often a card of war.

Danger, destruction, quarrel, combat, ambition. Escape from prison. Rise to the top at the expense of others.




9: Person #1's view of #3

5 of Cups – Disappointment

Mars in Scorpio

In this card the water has turned to muck and the sky has gone pink. A scorpion is in the centre of the pentagram formed by the five cups, which are represented here as tridents. Hostility or aggression turned inwards.

Disturbance ending pleasure. Grief, misfortune, sadness, loss, treachery, bitterness, frustration, bad marriage, expectations unfulfilled.










10: Overall relationship between persons #1 and #2

The Black Hole


As the counterpart of the Tower, this card represents the journey to the centre of the Universe, the quest for the Devil's Hole. The Black Hole is the portal to the other side. A place beyond the Universe, but also a critical component of the Universe, it is the hub of the wheel and the eye of the storm. It is total darkness. Non-existence. The unknown. This is the gateway to another dimension.





11: Overall relationship between persons #2 and #3

The Aeon


In a place beyond the Universe there exists a single solitary spirit. This is the perfection that we all strive for.

Dawn of a new era. Perfect self-knowledge. Wisdom. Union with god. The force of nature, raw spirit, barbelo, centre of the universe, perfection, message from heaven, sign from above, god.



12: Overall relationship between persons #1 and #3

Princess of Disks

A voluptuous young woman stands in an Autumn forest, plunging her sceptre into the earth, symbolising the union of masculine and feminine energy. Underground, her sceptre evolves into a diamond. She wears the skull of a ram and a coat of wool. Her disk is the yin-yang inside of a rose with golden petals. Represented here is the eternally pregnant spirit of the earth.

A generous, kind, caring young woman.
When ill-dignified: a wasteful young woman out of touch with reality, at war with herself.




13: Overall 3-way Relationship

Prince of Cups

5:00 – 7:00 Male

The Prince of Cups rides a vapoury chariot of water. His draft animal is the eagle, but the scorpion is his familiar. His cup is represented by the trident of Neptune. He is receptive to outer influences, which he twists and manipulates to his own ends. He is a ruthless man of great ambition, but he moves in secrecy.

A man who moves in shadows, who ambitiously lusts for great wisdom and power. His calm appearance masks an ocean of passion.
When ill-dignified: a merciless man of insatiable ambition.





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