Three-Card Spread
Difficulty: Very easy
This simplistic chronological spread can be used to shed light on the influences that have passed, current influences, and what is approaching in the near future. Not much explanation is necessary for this simple tarot spread.
Your Three-Card Reading
The Past The Priestess |
The Present The Lovers |
The Future The Aeon |
The Past
The Priestess
The Moon
The Priestess sits on her throne, queen of the heavens, the eternal virgin, and the counterpart of the Hierophant. She holds the keys to the feminine secrets of the universe.
Enthusiastic focus on the unconscious. A pure, exalted influence comes into play. The Priestess warns not to get too carried away.
The Present
The Lovers
Lovers are eternally bound in Soul. A nude family holding hands in the form of a lemniscate represents natural purity.
Attraction, childishness, openness to inspiration, love, beauty.
When ill-dignified: shallow, superficial union. Instability, insecurity, indecision.
The Future
The Aeon
In a place beyond the Universe there exists a single solitary spirit. This is the perfection that we all strive for.
Dawn of a new era. Perfect self-knowledge. Wisdom. Union with god. The force of nature, raw spirit, barbelo, centre of the universe, perfection, message from heaven, sign from above, god.