Three-Card Spread

Three-Card Spread



Difficulty: Very easy

This simplistic chronological spread can be used to shed light on the influences that have passed, current influences, and what is approaching in the near future. Not much explanation is necessary for this simple tarot spread.









Your Three-Card Reading

The Past

10 of Disks – Wealth
The Present

Queen of Disks
The Future

5 of Disks – Anxiety





The Past

10 of Disks – Wealth

Mercury in Virgo

Coins of gold, silver, and copper fall to earth. The ten coins in the foreground form the tree of life, each with a symbol matching its particular sephiroth. The coins in the background represent the different pathways. This card represents something valuable.

Material prosperity. Completion of material building. Good health.
When ill-dignified: sloth, heaviness, dullness.





The Present

Queen of Disks

8:00 – 10:00 Female

The Queen of Disks sits on her throne between two rivers. She holds in her right hand the symbol of the sign of Capricorn crystalised. Her horns encase the full moon, her crown. The sun emerges from her loins. Her body shape is like the Willendorf Venus. This woman is an ancient fertility goddess in human form.

A practical, kind, domesticated, affectionate, charming woman. Prosperity, abundance, fertility, generosity, security.
When ill-dignified: a dull, servile, capricious fool, prone to debauchery and mood swings.












The Future

5 of Disks – Anxiety

Mercury in Taurus

Sparks fly as five gears grind away. The nervous energy of the element of air has descended upon the earth plane, creating an atmosphere of great friction.

Intense strain accompanying a period of inactivity. Anxiety, loss.
When well-dignified: construction, building, labour, cultivation.






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