The Astrological Spread

Self-Actualization Pyramids Spread



Difficulty: Complicated

The Astrological Tarot Spread is based upon houses of astrology. This complicated spread takes several steps to understand.

The first step is to interpret the tarot card for each individual position in the spread.

The second step involves further examination of the main axes. Positions 1 & 7 show the relationship theme, #1 representing the reader, #7 their partner. Positions 4 & 10 indicate motion. #4 indicates where the reader is now, and #10 suggests what they are moving towards.

The third step involves breaking down the chart into triads according to their house elements.

Positions 1, 5, & 9 represent the Fire triad, symbolizing temperament and personal development.

Positions 2, 6, & 10 represent the Earth triad, concerned with materialism, money, and work.

Positions 3, 7, & 11 represent the Air triad, which has to do with thoughts, ideas, and connections with other people.

Positions 4, 8, & 12 represent the Water triad, the realm of emotions, moods, intuition, and yearnings.

Further, other patterns and correlations between certain numbers can be noted. Certain numbers such as the set of 5, 7, & 8 often speak about a particular theme.









Your Astrological Reading


    11 9    
  12   8  
1       7
2   Eye   6
  3   5  





1: Basic Mood

10 of Clubs

Shedding of a load or burden. Letting go of a part of your life that has now run its course and is no longer of relevance. Reflecting on what has perhaps been challenging and assessing how that challenge is now paving the way for the next step or stage of your journey.




2: Finance

9 of Clubs

Standing together with others in order to deal with any eventuality or obstacle. This can also indicate you are about to encounter an obstacle of your own which may not be easy to dispel with. The need to consider an approach before you actually encounter the obstacle, so as to be best prepared. The encountering of intense opposition.




3: Mundane Life

Imprisoned Instincts

Imprisoned Instincts is traditionally known as the Wheel of Fortune card in tarot. While it denotes sudden change for better or worse, nothing in life happens overnight. Sometimes, we are aware of signs of change and address them or we may overlook them and pay for consequences later.

As the seeker, this card indicates that methods of coping to circumstance surrounding us contribute to what happens in the future. Thus, taking responsibility for decisions we make empower us to create the future we wish for ourselves. Taking action is a choice; doing nothing to change our circumstances is also a choice.

As a situation, Imprisoned Instincts suggest a change and while the circumstances may be out of our control but how we deal with what happened/happens is. Perhaps it is time to assess at personal methods of coping and not the event itself.




4: Home

5 of Hearts

Uncertainty when faced with something that cannot be perceived with full clarity. The need to either take the risk or to look for other alternatives, otherwise there is real risk no progress at all can be made. Tentative steps towards taking a look at the face or façade you may have portrayed to yourself or others, understanding what is seen may lead to discomfort or a change in outlook.










5: Fun Things

The Magician

The Magician card indicates an initiation; it is a beginning in the process of creation. The tools are laid out; The Magician is not lacking in skill but in experience thus, the method used may be questionable. It is a stage of self-mastery and success will depend on how The Magician utilises both skill and tools laid out before him.

In a situation, The Magician card suggests a stage of active involvement and the need to evaluate options before making decisions.




6: Work

Page of Clubs

The build-up of power and energy to undertake something of relevance or importance. Early stages of manifestation, with a sense of naivety or uncertainty as a basis. The beginning of a venture which has potential to become something more substantial in time. The spark or initial emanation of creative energy.




7: Partners

The Emperor

The Emperor card represents structure; the need for it or lack of it. It is about setting standards to adhere to, limitations and boundaries of rules of engagement and maintaining them. At a stage when one cannot identify such boundaries, The Emperor provides an idealised example until rigid adherence becomes a burden of expectations.

As the Seeker, this card represents the need to identify standards that are meaningful rather than those imposed by others. To discard old boundaries or limitations for new ones is a stage of self-regulation by which one identifies the principles to live by.

In a situation, this card suggests that stability may be achieved when a sound structure is in place.




8: Hidden Aspects

2 of Clubs

The following a path which appears to have an intangible �something� which makes it feel right at the time. Change of focus away from what is directly ahead to what is directly above guiding you. Following of your own instincts when there is a sense the way forward is no longer clear to you.




9: Higher Views

10 of Hearts

The end of an emotional journey. A final pause, reflecting back on what has come to pass before continuing with what could be an emotionally charged pathway. Gaining of emotional strength often as a result of having overcome trials and tribulations. Being a beacon of light for others who find their lives tough on an emotional level.










10: Reputation

8 of Clubs

Focus on a journey ahead, despite any apparent signs of upheaval or difficulty in the making. The possibility of ending up some way from where you began your journey or existence. Following through with what you believe is right despite any opposition encountered along the way.




11: Friends

3 of Diamonds

Being grateful for what you have at your disposal, or offering thanks to those who have provided. Prioritising where to invest money or effort. Investing wisely in order to see long term gains or profits. Expecting everything to be provided for us with little or no effort on our part to earn those provisions.



12: Hopes and Fears

8 of Diamonds

Allowing events to unfold without the desire for foresight. Having faith in the fact that destiny will prevail, instead of giving in to the urge whereby we try to manipulate fate. Putting trust in the guidance that is being offered, understanding it will not cause you to falter or stumble. Using intuition as your guide as opposed to the normal senses of sight, hearing or touch. Resisting the urge to interfere with or manipulate the world around you.






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