Comic Strip Spread

Comic Strip Spread



Difficulty: Easy

Note: This spread works best with decks like the Diary of a Broken Soul or Surrealist Tarot because they display scenes rather than pips and do not use reversals.

The Comic Strip Spread is a simple nine-card chronological spread that looks like a page of a comic book. This method should be used to get a glimpse of the future as it would pan out naturally. It may be insightful to use this spread in coordination with biorhythms. The spread is easy to read as a storyboard, just like a comic strip.

The main subject is apparent in the first card, while the story plays out through the following tarot cards.

It is important to pay particular attention to the cards and the relationships with their neighbours. Notice which directions the cards are facing, and how they interact.










Your Comic Strip Reading

The Tower
2 of Clubs
9 of Hearts
Queen of Spades
6 of Spades
7 of Hearts
3 of Diamonds
The Lovers





Card 1: The Tower

Is it be better to hold on to a lie because it gives us hope;
or is it be better to know a truth that throws us off the edge of deception into the abyss below?





Card 2: 2 of Clubs

The following a path which appears to have an intangible �something� which makes it feel right at the time. Change of focus away from what is directly ahead to what is directly above guiding you. Following of your own instincts when there is a sense the way forward is no longer clear to you.





Card 3: 9 of Hearts

Personal nurturing whereby the true spirit has the chance to emerge and subsequently flourish. Replacing of negative thoughts and emotions of the self with more positive ones. Understanding that love of the self is more important than the love that is offered to another. Having confidence in showing to the world and those around you your emotional self as well as your physical self.





Card 4: Queen of Spades

Doing what is needed to pave the way for a new beginning or regrowth regardless of how long it may take to manifest. Honest communication or wise counsel. Observing others allowing them to learn by their own mistakes before offering guidance as to how the lesson can pave the way for future endeavours. Knowing when silence is the most appropriate way of dealing with another person or issue and when to be to the point verbally. This could indicate a person who will be honest in their communication with themselves as well as others, impervious to the fact they may at times appear insensitive.












Card 5: 6 of Spades

Moving on when the time is right, and on terms that are appropriate at the time. A warning that the way forward may have hidden obstacles, thus indicating the path is not an easy one to undertake. The utilising of blind faith as opposed to reasoned thought when proceeding ahead. The closing of the book on issues from the past, lessening the chance of them being able to play an active role in what is to come. The burning away or dissolving of hindering mind sets.





Card 6: 7 of Hearts

The appearance of options or choices but with no indication which may be preferable at the time. Presence of something potentially positive or uplifting, which if ignored may pass by with an opportunity thus being missed. Emotions becoming more linear whereby objectivity is being restored. The feeling of 'running on empty' for a while but with the indication the end of this negative state is within sight.





Card 7: Temperance

Temperance demonstrates the ability to maintain equilibrium between opposing elements; she is the bridge between extremes.

The Seeker as Temperance suggests a path of moderation; seeking internal balance before one is ready to face external challenges. This card may indicate the need to resolve conflicting aspects within ourselves before we are able to restore peace into our environment.

As a situation, this card indicates a stage of mediating between opposing views; finding the middle ground to facilitate progress; restoring order in a disruptive environment. As such, we may need to explore options that allow amicable solutions to present themselves rather than allow one or the other extreme to take over.





Card 8: 3 of Diamonds

Being grateful for what you have at your disposal, or offering thanks to those who have provided. Prioritising where to invest money or effort. Investing wisely in order to see long term gains or profits. Expecting everything to be provided for us with little or no effort on our part to earn those provisions.





Card 9: The Lovers

The Lovers card is a stage related to choice and decision-making. It represents how people of influence in our lives effect our choices, thus, it is a card that is also related to interpersonal relationships.

As the seeker, The Lovers card indicates a pivotal stage where the Seeker is faced with options but the challenge lies not in making the "Right" or "Wrong" decision. Rather is a reminder that the easy way out may not necessarily lead to a long-term solution.

As a situation, The Lovers card suggests weighing options not for hedonistic gain but long-term consequences.






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