Cross Spread

Cross Spread



Difficulty: Easy

The Cross Spread is good for questions asking for advice. It can also be used to determine the meaning of a confusing card from a previous reading, or for that matter, to shed light on other points of confusion.

In questions asking advice, this tarot spread is self-explanatory. The main thing is to determine the difference between cards #2 and #3. #1 is the topic and #4 is the result.

In questions regarding confusion, such as: "What was the meaning of Card (X) in the last spread?" the main thing is also to determine the difference between cards #2 and #3. In this case, #2 will show what the card was not referring to, and Card #3 will show what was really meant. Card #1 is the topic and #4 represents the purpose it serves.









Your Cross Reading

  DO This

9 of Clubs
It Deals with This

King of Diamonds
  Do NOT Do This

3 of Diamonds
  It Leads to This

The Hermit





It Deals with This

King of Diamonds

Making do with what you have at hand. Growing or cultivating for yourself, lessening the burden on others to provide for you. Create a sense of discipline and order with everything being in its appropriate place. Keeping of a level head, or having your feet on the ground when considering what is important in life. This could indicate a person who is very good regulating their financial or material life, identifying with and working with any fluctuations around them.





Do NOT Do This

3 of Diamonds

Being grateful for what you have at your disposal, or offering thanks to those who have provided. Prioritising where to invest money or effort. Investing wisely in order to see long term gains or profits. Expecting everything to be provided for us with little or no effort on our part to earn those provisions.





DO This

9 of Clubs

Standing together with others in order to deal with any eventuality or obstacle. This can also indicate you are about to encounter an obstacle of your own which may not be easy to dispel with. The need to consider an approach before you actually encounter the obstacle, so as to be best prepared. The encountering of intense opposition.












It Leads to This

The Hermit

The Hermit card indicates a time of self-reflection or self-imposed solitude. It is a stage when we sense the need to explore how we view the world or relate to situations and people around us.

As the person, The Hermit card suggests a need for serenity; withdrawal from external conflicts to evaluate our beliefs, priorities or principles.

As a situation, The Hermit card suggests an objective exploration of all feasible options that may lead to the most desirable resolution within a conflict.






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