Decision Spread

Decision Spread



Difficulty: Easy

This simple but highly useful spread calls for a question to be asked in this format:

'What happens if I do (X), and what happens if I do not do (X)?'

Please note that it should not be viewed as a decision between two different options, but about whether a single option should be exercised or not. A second option would call for a separate reading.

Card #7 is the significator, the overall theme of the query.

Cards #3, #1, & #5 represent the chronological sequence of events that occurs if the reader chooses to do (X).

Cards #4, #2, & #6 represent the chronological sequence of events that unfolds if the reader chooses not to do (X).









Your Decision Reading

The Significator

Jack of Clubs
Outcome if you do it:

4 of Diamonds

The Emperor

3 of Diamonds
Outcome if you don't do it:

Ace of Diamonds

9 of Hearts

King of Hearts





Jack of Clubs

By nature a tendency to be impetuous or to be easily distracted. The characteristic of acting first and thinking later. A tendency to not think through repercussions of actions. A person who may not feel any sense of fear, and will tackle any task with vigour and enthusiasm.




Outcome if you do it:



4 of Diamonds

The coveting of possessions, or taking a protective stance in order to prevent loss. Obsession about what is desired as opposed to focussing on what is already at hand. Hoarding or collecting of more than is actually necessary. Giving an unhealthy or inappropriate sense of importance to certain items under ownership.





The Emperor

The Emperor card represents structure; the need for it or lack of it. It is about setting standards to adhere to, limitations and boundaries of rules of engagement and maintaining them. At a stage when one cannot identify such boundaries, The Emperor provides an idealised example until rigid adherence becomes a burden of expectations.

As the Seeker, this card represents the need to identify standards that are meaningful rather than those imposed by others. To discard old boundaries or limitations for new ones is a stage of self-regulation by which one identifies the principles to live by.

In a situation, this card suggests that stability may be achieved when a sound structure is in place.





3 of Diamonds

Being grateful for what you have at your disposal, or offering thanks to those who have provided. Prioritising where to invest money or effort. Investing wisely in order to see long term gains or profits. Expecting everything to be provided for us with little or no effort on our part to earn those provisions.











Outcome if you do not do it:



Ace of Diamonds

Indication that a path previously trodden will change in the near future. Either something will be opening up and becoming apparent, or it could indicate the curtain is about to come down, possibly leading to closure of sorts. Wondering if the grass is in fact greener on the other side. Consideration given to what you have right now against what you could have.





9 of Hearts

Personal nurturing whereby the true spirit has the chance to emerge and subsequently flourish. Replacing of negative thoughts and emotions of the self with more positive ones. Understanding that love of the self is more important than the love that is offered to another. Having confidence in showing to the world and those around you your emotional self as well as your physical self.





King of Hearts

Retaining focus and control of emotions when faced with intense adversary. Being open to the fact it is okay to ask for help or support when it is required. Feeling of numbness on an emotional level. The creating of waves, yet at the same time maintaining a firm grasp on personal thoughts and/or emotions. This may indicate a man who is prone to emotional outbursts, but in the main does work hard at keeping a lid on things.






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