Decision Spread

Decision Spread



Difficulty: Easy

This simple but highly useful spread calls for a question to be asked in this format:

'What happens if I do (X), and what happens if I do not do (X)?'

Please note that it should not be viewed as a decision between two different options, but about whether a single option should be exercised or not. A second option would call for a separate reading.

Card #7 is the significator, the overall theme of the query.

Cards #3, #1, & #5 represent the chronological sequence of events that occurs if the reader chooses to do (X).

Cards #4, #2, & #6 represent the chronological sequence of events that unfolds if the reader chooses not to do (X).









Your Decision Reading

The Significator

Jack of Diamonds
Outcome if you do it:

The Lovers

5 of Diamonds

Page of Spades
Outcome if you don't do it:

The Empress

Imprisoned Instincts

3 of Diamonds





Jack of Diamonds

Acknowledging what has been amassed or coveted can either bring pleasure or discomfort depending on how it is utilised or directed. Facing of consequences for misuse of resources or finances. Guidance to use the heart when assessing what is of worth as well as the head. Sharing of experiences with others so that lessons can be learned, thus reducing the chance of the situation being unnecessarily repeated.




Outcome if you do it:



The Lovers

The Lovers card is a stage related to choice and decision-making. It represents how people of influence in our lives effect our choices, thus, it is a card that is also related to interpersonal relationships.

As the seeker, The Lovers card indicates a pivotal stage where the Seeker is faced with options but the challenge lies not in making the "Right" or "Wrong" decision. Rather is a reminder that the easy way out may not necessarily lead to a long-term solution.

As a situation, The Lovers card suggests weighing options not for hedonistic gain but long-term consequences.





5 of Diamonds

Experiencing of hardship. Acknowledgement that suffering can be partnered with dignity, particularly if it is open to public scrutiny. Either being supported, or the offering support at a time of need. Being receptive to the energies of others, particularly if they are there to help or protect against external influences.





Page of Spades

Concise method of expression using appropriate methods or tools for any given situation. Changing the environment around you by replacing anything that harbours memories of the past or elicits less than conducive emotion. Change of approach whereby the bigger picture becomes more apparent.











Outcome if you do not do it:



The Empress

The Empress card suggests a stage of gestation; it is defined by how one develops providence into something more. If an opportunity presents itself, this card represents the need find the balance between knowing when to foster growth and when to let go.

As the Seeker, this card represents the reality that too much attention stifles development, too little and it verges on neglect.

In a situation, The Empress card is a reminder that opportunities are abundant, it's what we do with them that determines success or failure.





Imprisoned Instincts

Imprisoned Instincts is traditionally known as the Wheel of Fortune card in tarot. While it denotes sudden change for better or worse, nothing in life happens overnight. Sometimes, we are aware of signs of change and address them or we may overlook them and pay for consequences later.

As the seeker, this card indicates that methods of coping to circumstance surrounding us contribute to what happens in the future. Thus, taking responsibility for decisions we make empower us to create the future we wish for ourselves. Taking action is a choice; doing nothing to change our circumstances is also a choice.

As a situation, Imprisoned Instincts suggest a change and while the circumstances may be out of our control but how we deal with what happened/happens is. Perhaps it is time to assess at personal methods of coping and not the event itself.





3 of Diamonds

Being grateful for what you have at your disposal, or offering thanks to those who have provided. Prioritising where to invest money or effort. Investing wisely in order to see long term gains or profits. Expecting everything to be provided for us with little or no effort on our part to earn those provisions.






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