The Self-Actualization Pyramids Spread

Self-Actualization Pyramids Spread



Difficulty: Complicated

Basically, there is the main pyramid in the centre, and two smaller pyramids on each side. One is inverted.

Positions 1 & 3 represent where the reader comes from, or what has made them/shaped them on the various levels. Can be from environment, upbringing, schooling, etc. A look at the past, but with more objectivity than is usually given when using tarot cards.

Positions 4 & 5 represent who the reader is right now. May or may not make pleasant reading, but hey, this is what this is about, right?

Position 6 represents who the reader could be. Again, it might or might not look good, but a person can learn from that and change who they are accordingly. (This is a bit like how Scrooge did things in 'A Christmas Carol'.)

Positions 7 & 8 are the reader's strengths. This is the light they have, which can be bought to the forefront. What carries the person should not be hidden or unacknowledged.

Position 9 represents what should be given to oneself or created within.

Position 10 & 11 represent personal areas for development or weaknesses. Again, might not make good reading, but if someone looks at their strengths first, they will be able to see a balance is there and can choose to focus on one side or the other. This is where a person could really see how their shadow side comes into play.

Position 12 represents what the reader should be offering externally, or what they can bring to their world or to others who inhabit that world.









Your Self-Actualization Pyramids Reading


Strength #1
Strength #2
Eye Exhibit
Nurture This
Infirmity #1
Infirmity #2
Now #1
  Now #2
Base (past) #1
  Base (past) #2
  Base (past) #3





1: Base #1

The Soothsayer

The Soothsayer represents the concept of conformity; both secular and spiritual. It is a stage of learning socially acceptable behaviour and ideals.

As the seeker, the Soothsayer suggests a time of reflection, based on what is expected of us and if those expectations coincide with our own.

As a situation, the Soothsayer indicates a phase of learning as well as understanding the environment one is in; and adapting to it without losing oneself in the name of conformity.




2: Base #2

4 of Diamonds

The coveting of possessions, or taking a protective stance in order to prevent loss. Obsession about what is desired as opposed to focussing on what is already at hand. Hoarding or collecting of more than is actually necessary. Giving an unhealthy or inappropriate sense of importance to certain items under ownership.




3: Base #3

Jack of Hearts

A feeling of vulnerability, or belief we cannot cope with what life is about to throw at us. The release of emotion in either a positive or harmful way. The wearing of the heart on the sleeve. Expansive expression of emotions in balance with how thought processes are portrayed.










4: Where you are now #1

The Charioteer

The Charioteer represents a stage of seeking autonomy, self-identity, direction. It is the representation of one's quest in seeking or gaining control; it is also a reminder of how easy everything can become undone.

As the Seeker, The Charioteer suggests a time of trying to control external influences or of losing control completely. It is time to seek a balanced approach.

As a Situation, The Charioteer card suggests a stage of learning how to deal with external influences by gaining control over one's actions.




5: Where you are now #2

5 of Hearts

Uncertainty when faced with something that cannot be perceived with full clarity. The need to either take the risk or to look for other alternatives, otherwise there is real risk no progress at all can be made. Tentative steps towards taking a look at the face or façade you may have portrayed to yourself or others, understanding what is seen may lead to discomfort or a change in outlook.




6: Your potential

The Star

The Star shows the process of formation or disintegration of a nebula. The light from this process takes millions of light years to reach our galaxy millions of years so it is not "the present" moment as we see it. The Star card in The Diary suggests that all tangible things are subject to a cycle of creation that moves at its own pace and direction.

As the seeker, this card indicates that there are aspirations that are yet to be met or have already been fulfilled and it is time to either create the energy necessary for its formation; or allow it to disperse if the creation process is completed. Wishes are thoughts that are formed in the consciousness and it is up to the seeker to manifest it; or allow it to dissipate if it has already run its course.

As a situation, this card suggests a time of evaluating what is required to bring about the reality one wishes to create in one's future that is eventually to form a destiny. It may also suggest that dreams are the seed that requires one's effort to manifest into reality provided the steps are taken to ensure its growth. Without first identifying the situation one wishes to create, the possibility dissipates into unfulfilled aspirations.




7: Strength #1

3 of Hearts

The demonstration of being a true friend in circumstances where others may choose to turn a blind eye. Being with someone and accepting them for what they are and who they are. A state whereby it is possible to feel comfortable with the energies of another, even though both parties may be partaking in different activities. The ability to watch over someone we care about without taking on the role of judge and jury should we disagree with their actions.




8: Strength #2

4 of Clubs

Co-operation with others to achieve a common goal. Utilising of individual skills to the benefit of the team as a whole. Acknowledgement of our own personal limitations and knowing when we need to call on the help of others. The willingness to muck in as opposed to acting as a passive observer.




9: Nurture this

9 of Hearts

Personal nurturing whereby the true spirit has the chance to emerge and subsequently flourish. Replacing of negative thoughts and emotions of the self with more positive ones. Understanding that love of the self is more important than the love that is offered to another. Having confidence in showing to the world and those around you your emotional self as well as your physical self.










10: Weakness #1

Page of Diamonds

Transformation on a spiritual level, leading to an understanding our 'magic' is apparent through what you are and not what you have. Being shielded from the allure of material wealth at the expense of self-realisation. Understanding what you can be, or what you could have is something that you can direct with our own hand. Preparation in readiness to move on from something that is no longer of relevance or is no longer providing anything of value.




11: Weakness #2

2 of Clubs

The following a path which appears to have an intangible �something� which makes it feel right at the time. Change of focus away from what is directly ahead to what is directly above guiding you. Following of your own instincts when there is a sense the way forward is no longer clear to you.



12: Behavior to exhibit

3 of Spades

Loss of faith or believe, a pessimistic outlook in general. Internalising of negative emotions. A numbing of the soul or spirit to the extent we also become numbed to the pain or hurt that comes from external sources. The need to use insight to identify the real cause of pain or upset, as opposed to misperceived sources. The urge to cut within in order to release harmful or negative emotions.






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