Relationship Spread #1

Relationship Spread #1



Difficulty: Easy

This tarot spread is easy to read, like a convenient chart. In this spread, court cards generally indicate actual people with the same characteristics. Knights (or corresponding princes, but not kings) and queens are meant to represent actual men and women in this tarot spread. Look for patterns in the cards as always.

Card #1 is the overall significator of the relationship. The two columns on either side of the significator characterise each individual's role in the relationship. The relationship does not have to be romantic. In fact, it could be a relationship between a person and a group, or even how two groups relate.

The top row, cards #7 & #2, is about the conscious thoughts of each person, or what they think about the relationship and likewise how they view their partner.

The middle row, cards #6 & #3, reveals the way each individual feels about the other. Emotional awareness corresponds to a person's unconscious thoughts that run deep, affecting a person in ways he or she is not fully aware of.

The bottom row, cards #5 & #4, represents the way each person behaves, in other words the stance taken regarding the relationship. The way a person acts may be genuine, but sometimes people are phony and manipulative, so it is best to weigh this card against the other person's cards to determine how they match up.









Your Relationship #1 Reading

  You   Other Person
4 of Hearts
King of Diamonds
The Sun
The Significator

King of Hearts
The Charioteer
External Stance             
Queen of Spades





The Significator

King of Hearts

Retaining focus and control of emotions when faced with intense adversary. Being open to the fact it is okay to ask for help or support when it is required. Feeling of numbness on an emotional level. The creating of waves, yet at the same time maintaining a firm grasp on personal thoughts and/or emotions. This may indicate a man who is prone to emotional outbursts, but in the main does work hard at keeping a lid on things.





The Querent's Thoughts

4 of Hearts

Possible conflict of emotion or thought. An imbalance of subconscious needs when compared to conscious desires. Requirement to stay calm and focused when faced with external disharmony or conflict. The need to understand when to get involved in restoring harmony and when to let the parties involved sort things out for themselves.





The Other Person's Thoughts

King of Diamonds

Making do with what you have at hand. Growing or cultivating for yourself, lessening the burden on others to provide for you. Create a sense of discipline and order with everything being in its appropriate place. Keeping of a level head, or having your feet on the ground when considering what is important in life. This could indicate a person who is very good regulating their financial or material life, identifying with and working with any fluctuations around them.












The Querent's Emotions

The Sun

Light gives clarity; from darkness we seek out the light and if it burns;
if it turns us to dust under the harshness of its glare,
that is the ultimate liberation for enlightenment frees the soul from its earthly bondage.





The Other Person's Emotions

The Charioteer

The Charioteer represents a stage of seeking autonomy, self-identity, direction. It is the representation of one's quest in seeking or gaining control; it is also a reminder of how easy everything can become undone.

As the Seeker, The Charioteer suggests a time of trying to control external influences or of losing control completely. It is time to seek a balanced approach.

As a Situation, The Charioteer card suggests a stage of learning how to deal with external influences by gaining control over one's actions.





The Querent's External Stance

Queen of Spades

Doing what is needed to pave the way for a new beginning or regrowth regardless of how long it may take to manifest. Honest communication or wise counsel. Observing others allowing them to learn by their own mistakes before offering guidance as to how the lesson can pave the way for future endeavours. Knowing when silence is the most appropriate way of dealing with another person or issue and when to be to the point verbally. This could indicate a person who will be honest in their communication with themselves as well as others, impervious to the fact they may at times appear insensitive.





The Other Person's External Stance


There will come a time when all things end; a death that leaves one gasping for hope; fighting to cling on; afraid to let go. There will come a time when dreams of happy endings are rudely awakened by reality; wisps of wishful thinking disappearing into smoke; gone without a trace. There will come a time when the human heart breaks under such punishment; giving way to grief; dying bit by bit until it beats no more.

As a seeker, this card suggests a stage where one needs to learn to accept death as part of a natural cycle of life; deal with processes of letting things go; the need to move on.

As a situation, this card denotes an ending; thus, we may need to ask ourselves if holding on to something or someone may be detrimental to our growth. The time to let go will come when we acknowledge the need to do so.






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