Relationship Spread #2

Relationship Spread #2



Difficulty: Easy

This relationship spread focuses more on the common ground of the relationship, with three cards in the middle column showing the common ground. The middle column essentially displays the past, present, and future of the relationship.

Card #4 stands for the common base of the relationship, which may be thought of as the past events which have shaped their characters, bringing them together. The current connection that binds them together is Card #3, indicating the values shared. Card #7 implies the common goals that would keep the pair together moving into the future.

The columns on either side show what each partner brings to the table. Remember, relationships need not be romantic, and the partners could even be groups rather than individuals. In this layout, the other person is on the left-hand side and the reader on the right.

Cards #1 & #2 indicate the separate personalities of each member of the relationship. These cards form a sort of bridge with the cards beneath them, #5 & #6, which show the qualities that each partner offers the other person, and thus to the relationship as a whole.









Your Relationship #2 Reading

  Mutual Goals
Your Qualities
Connection (Present)
Others' Qualities
What You Bring
Common Base (Past)

What They Bring





7: Mutual Goals

The Hanged One

This Hanged One is suspended in limbo but it is not a decision that is made in haste. This card suggests a stage where decisions are made based on unconditional sacrifice; without expectations of anything in return.

The seeker as The Hanged One may allow us to make choices that require some form of sacrifice; but they are made without conditions attached thus, it is an opportunity for growth and maturity.

The situation as The Hanged One suggests not making decisions in haste. If the outcome of any given situation depends on choices that we make; we may wish to reflect on how our contributions can and will influence the circumstances before making a move.





3: Connection

The Hermit

The Hermit card indicates a time of self-reflection or self-imposed solitude. It is a stage when we sense the need to explore how we view the world or relate to situations and people around us.

As the person, The Hermit card suggests a need for serenity; withdrawal from external conflicts to evaluate our beliefs, priorities or principles.

As a situation, The Hermit card suggests an objective exploration of all feasible options that may lead to the most desirable resolution within a conflict.





4: Common Base

The Charioteer

The Charioteer represents a stage of seeking autonomy, self-identity, direction. It is the representation of one's quest in seeking or gaining control; it is also a reminder of how easy everything can become undone.

As the Seeker, The Charioteer suggests a time of trying to control external influences or of losing control completely. It is time to seek a balanced approach.

As a Situation, The Charioteer card suggests a stage of learning how to deal with external influences by gaining control over one's actions.












2: Your Qualities

The Sun

Light gives clarity; from darkness we seek out the light and if it burns;
if it turns us to dust under the harshness of its glare,
that is the ultimate liberation for enlightenment frees the soul from its earthly bondage.





1: Their Qualities

The Devil

The Devil is a whisper that comes from the depths of our heart; for what is temptation but a weakness most exploited by our desire.

As the seeker, The Devil suggests an attachment that has become unhealthy; therefore, we may need to explore what it is we have bound ourselves to and what that object of our desire represents to us before we are able to free ourselves from it.

As a situation, The Devil card advices us to be aware of becoming too involved; to the extent we are unable to perceive the situation clearly. As such, we may need to ask ourselves if decisions made are based on instant gratification or out of necessity.





6: What You Bring

King of Spades





5: What They Bring

8 of Spades

Issue of either feeling either trapped or protected, often by the energies of another. The relinquishing of personal freedom. Putting yourself out to ensure the safety or well-being of another. Either being smothered by the attentions of someone else, or being the person who is doing the smothering.






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