The Love Triangle Spread

The Love Triangle Spread



Difficulty: Complicated

Casually referred to as the Love Triangle, this spread can be used to determine the dynamics of the relationship between three people, regardless of whether romance is involved. This spread is arranged in the form of a hexagram, consisting of several large and small triangles. This tarot spread may seem somewhat complicated, but it is not entirely that difficult.

The first step is to interpret the card for each individual position in the spread. Generally, one might ask about a relationship they are involved in, but this does not have to be the case. Ordinarily, the reader's representative card is #1, their main person of interest is #2, and the other person would be #3.

The second step fills in the downward triangle and involves further examination of the individuals through their views of the other people. Each person has two more cards showing the way they see and relate to the other members of the triangle. For example, Card #6 indicates how Person #3 relates to Person #1, while Card #9 stands for Person #1's attitude toward Person #3.

The next step completes the upward triangle and the hexagram, focusing on cards #10–13. It also completes the many smaller triangles and hints at the potential for each relationship. The final card, #13 can be considered the significator of the reading, which suggests the overall potential for this three-way relationship.









Your Love Triangle Reading


P#3   3to2 2+3
2to3   P#2
3to1 Overall 2to1
1+3 1to3 1to2 1+2




1: Person #1

5 of Spades

Dilemma of action or inaction. Knowing when to make a stance and fight, and when it is more advisable to wait awhile in the hope conditions become more favourable. A choice of getting involved in someone else's battle or putting personal needs first. The need to weigh up all odds or to evaluate all variables before deciding a course of action.




2: Person #2

The Charioteer

The Charioteer represents a stage of seeking autonomy, self-identity, direction. It is the representation of one's quest in seeking or gaining control; it is also a reminder of how easy everything can become undone.

As the Seeker, The Charioteer suggests a time of trying to control external influences or of losing control completely. It is time to seek a balanced approach.

As a Situation, The Charioteer card suggests a stage of learning how to deal with external influences by gaining control over one's actions.




3: Person #3

The Priestess

The Priestess card may suggest non-reaction. Whether caused by tension or inner turmoil, it is a stage where opposing influences may require time to find balance once again.

The seeker as The Priestess cannot yet decipher the signs to understand them, thus it is necessary to watch, listen, learn and not react in order to make informed choices.

The situation as The Priestess may indicate a time to reflect on root causes of opposing influences that are contributing to tension in an environment.










4: Person #1's view of #2

King of Hearts

Retaining focus and control of emotions when faced with intense adversary. Being open to the fact it is okay to ask for help or support when it is required. Feeling of numbness on an emotional level. The creating of waves, yet at the same time maintaining a firm grasp on personal thoughts and/or emotions. This may indicate a man who is prone to emotional outbursts, but in the main does work hard at keeping a lid on things.




5: Person #2's view of #3

5 of Clubs

Dilemma of moving forward with a risk of something we value or cherish being left behind. Being held back through misguided ideas of unselfish service to others. When associated with selfish actions it can indicate an expectation that others will follow in our path or share in our chosen dream, even if it is not their destiny to do so.




6: Person #3's view of #1

7 of Clubs

Depending on which character is identified with it could either indicate overcoming adversary against all the odds, or being the victim of the actions of another. Resistance to the fate faced by others. Reluctance to face consequences of personal actions, particularly if they are at the expense of others around you. If the flame is a focal point, it could show that consequences have been acknowledged, and action is being taken to purge the energy or memory of those deeds.




7: Person #2's view of #1

The Devil

The Devil is a whisper that comes from the depths of our heart; for what is temptation but a weakness most exploited by our desire.

As the seeker, The Devil suggests an attachment that has become unhealthy; therefore, we may need to explore what it is we have bound ourselves to and what that object of our desire represents to us before we are able to free ourselves from it.

As a situation, The Devil card advices us to be aware of becoming too involved; to the extent we are unable to perceive the situation clearly. As such, we may need to ask ourselves if decisions made are based on instant gratification or out of necessity.




8: Person #3's view of #2

3 of Clubs

Leaving behind of constraints, or the use of our spiritual wings to soar higher. The confidence to stretch ourselves and reach higher than we thought was initially achievable. The keeping of our feet on the earth, where we focus on what is within reach as opposed to trying for something that is possibly beyond our means. Can also indicate not wanting to extend our abilities through fear of being met with failure.




9: Person #1's view of #3

King of Clubs

A person with strong beliefs of what is right and what is wrong, and will not be swayed in those beliefs. The ability to cut away anything that has no purpose or use to them. The urge to in right any personal sense of being wronged, flaunting a fighting spirit whereby arguments are backed up with appropriate actions. Coming across as being unforgiving by nature. Being aware of the bigger picture and long-term objective, and the taking of appropriate action regardless of the fact a few toes may be trod on along the way. This could indicate a person who likes to be active and can energise others around them with their enthusiasm.










10: Overall relationship between persons #1 and #2

2 of Hearts

The unconditional sharing on a romantic or spiritual level with another like-minded being. Tuning in to the desires, thoughts and emotions of a person we resonate with whereby we feel we have become one being as opposed to two individuals. If the relationship is unhealthy or not balanced it can indicate one person is being clingy or manipulative of the emotions of their partner.




11: Overall relationship between persons #2 and #3

9 of Clubs

Standing together with others in order to deal with any eventuality or obstacle. This can also indicate you are about to encounter an obstacle of your own which may not be easy to dispel with. The need to consider an approach before you actually encounter the obstacle, so as to be best prepared. The encountering of intense opposition.



12: Overall relationship between persons #1 and #3

7 of Diamonds

Paying attention to the finer detail or to what is actually present as opposed to what could be. Taking ownership of only what is needed, allowing excess or clutter fall to the way side. Possibility of lost opportunities due to too narrow of a focus on what is already present. Being happy and content with what you have, not wanting to chase anything that is not needed or necessary at this time.




13: Overall 3-way Relationship

The Hanged One

This Hanged One is suspended in limbo but it is not a decision that is made in haste. This card suggests a stage where decisions are made based on unconditional sacrifice; without expectations of anything in return.

The seeker as The Hanged One may allow us to make choices that require some form of sacrifice; but they are made without conditions attached thus, it is an opportunity for growth and maturity.

The situation as The Hanged One suggests not making decisions in haste. If the outcome of any given situation depends on choices that we make; we may wish to reflect on how our contributions can and will influence the circumstances before making a move.





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