Blind Spot Spread

Blind Spot Spread



Difficulty: Varies

This tarot spread is used to enhance self-awareness. Questions about learning something about oneself or things that are hidden work very well with this tarot spread, although no question is necessary.

  1. This tarot card displays the obvious identity, the part of oneself that is consciously known and projected to others.
  2. This card indicates unconscious driving forces that neither the reader nor others are aware of about them, the great unknown. Nobody knows what this tarot card means, at least not yet...
  3. The part of oneself that is concealed, to keep others from discovering, is apparent in this card.
  4. This is the Blind Spot. This is what was asked about, that which this reading should bring awareness of. The reader may wish to pay close attention to these mannerisms.









Your Blind Spot Reading

What you know What you don't know
What others know
The Wheel of Fortune

Ace of Swords
What others don't know
Queen of Wands

Prince of Coins





This card displays your obvious identity, the part of you that everyone knows.

The Wheel of Fortune

In the middle of the diagram three discs can be seen. I often use the number three in the descriptions as a basic universal number. The inner disc is blank. On the second disc we can make out the hourly Roman numerals. They appear anticlockwise to show that time's direction is relative.

The signs of the zodiac on the outer disc show a further meaning for the course of time. Around these discs or rings, as though one could present them how one liked, the four elements are arranged. They seem to be rotating and moving in a circle from light into dark and back again.





This card shows unconscious driving forces that neither you nor your company is aware of about you. This is the Great Unknown.

Prince of Coins

The fields and fruit trees are well kept and managed. Everything seems to be in order. The harvest is certain to turn out well. Apart from a few gold buttons, the prince does without any jewellery. His facial expression mirrors his pride in his performance, but at the same time a certain submissiveness.





The secrets you keep from others are shown by this card.

Queen of Wands

The orangey-yellow colour of the picture symbolises fire; the green colour portrays fertility and growth. The sunflowers also testify a connection between energy and growth.

The throne gives the impression of a sun-queen; the creases on her skirt point to sexual energy, her red hair is tied back. The black cat, with its back to us, stands for independence and magic powers. There is a precious stone on the queen's crown, this connects her to the magician's figure one.












This is your Blind Spot. This is what you asked about – what you wished to be made aware of by this reading.

Ace of Swords

The sword is rising out of the water. The blue colour in the picture symbolises clarity. The three different coloured butterflies indicate different thoughts and the perception of difference. One butterfly is sitting on the tip of the sword, a symbol of decision. The halo supports the impression of clarification and purification.






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