The Golden Dawn or Thoth Method
Difficulty: Complicated
Note: Tarot decks that use reversed cards such as the Rider-Waite do not work well with this spread, which was designed to be read using elemental dignity.
The Golden Dawn spread is best suited for use with the bifrost Tarot and especially the Book of Thoth, as these decks are meant to be read a certain way with the court cards. Princes and queens represent actual men and women connected with the matter, while princesses generally represent ideas; thoughts or opinions, and knights represent arrival or departure of a matter depending on the direction faced.
In this tarot spread, particular attention should be paid to a card's exact position in relation to its neighbours. Whether the neighbour cards bear the same energy (suit) determines whether a card is considered well-dignified or ill-dignified. Opposite suits ill-dignify each other, while other suits are considered friendly. Tarot cards of the same suit or element strengthen each other.
As with other tarot spreads, it is important to count the cards' tendencies, such as whether there is a lot of one particular suit or number pattern. The patterns reveal special messages. Having several majors present indicates higher forces at work, several cups suggest strong emotions, etc.
Card #1 represents the reader and the nature of the topic at hand.
Cards #2 & #3 are read in extension of #1 to further comprehend the nature of the topic.
The two sets of three tarot cards at the top of the spread represent chronological sets of events. The current path as it would unfold naturally is represented by cards #4, #8, & #12. The alternate path that could be taken is represented by cards #13, #9, & #5. However, if the reader gets the feeling these cards are telling them they go together, then the alternate path is to be considered an extension of the current path, and to be read chronologically in this order: #4, #8, #12, #13, #9, #5. Just keep in mind: this is only if the two paths seem particularly similar.
Cards #14, #10, & #6 shed light upon the psychological undertones of the current issue.
Cards #7, #11, & #15 represent the influences of karma and destiny beyond the reader's control. These cards suggest adapting to this, as fate.
Your Golden Dawn Reading
The Alternate Path (or Extension of Current Path) |
Your Current Path |
![]() King of Cups |
![]() The Emperor |
![]() Princess of Cups |
![]() 8 of Swords |
![]() 9 of Coins |
![]() 7 of Cups |
The Querent | ||||||
![]() King of Swords |
![]() 10 of Cups |
![]() The Chariot |
The Psychological Basis | Karma | |||||
![]() 7 of Swords |
![]() 3 of Wands |
![]() The High Priestess |
![]() The Tower |
![]() Ace of Coins |
![]() King of Wands |
The Querent
cards represent the querent and the nature of the topic at hand. The first card (in the center of the spread) represents the very core of the matter, and the other two cards around it are added to it in order to further comprehend the nature of the topic.
The sprouting seed refers to actual growth. The heart leads two ends together into a point. The house offers an outward protection for a partnership for life.
The child (small hand) shows itself as being an actual product of its parents' love. The snake suggests that the child will carry this cycle on, one day, as a parent.
The throne-room looks very tidy, but at the same time very bare. The throne itself has hardly any decoration. The king is protecting himself by his complete dress; his coat of mail can be seen under his shirt; on his chest he is wearing the sign of Libra, an indication of his connection with justice and his role as a judge.
The two butterflies above him indicate that he shows a tendency towards black and white-thinking. The crown, with its three points, refers to the third element, air. His sword is not completely straight and the square tiles in the background emphasise, through the different tones of red, that life cannot be locked away into boxes.
The chariot itself is portrayed by the wheel. It has eight spokes, a symbol for the process of development. The shaft symbolises the centre and also the number nine, which completes the cycle. Hub and shaft are on fire and stand for sexual energy. Origin, the wheel's background, and destination, the celestial body's background, are the same colour, violet, which stands for the spiritual.
The dominating yellow in the picture depicts joy of living. The water at the bottom indicates frankness or naivety, but also emotions to be conquered, such as caution or fear. Black and white reins, held in the right and left hand, show different directions and ambivalences, which have to be brought into harmony to make the journey possible. The next part of the journey, which lies ahead of the coach driver, the material world, represented by green, square fields, opens up within all this.
Libra's symbol (justice) shows that one has to reckon with consequences for any mistakes. The section at the top leads into the night. The coach driver does not encounter the sun, as to be expected, but instead the moon and stars. He will meet intuition and the unconscious.
Your Current Path
cards represent your current path as it would unfold naturally. These cards are read in chronological order from left to right.
The swords look like a cage. The eye is closed; it is looking into the inner vision; it is trying not to be aware of its own feelings. Some of the fingers are being dipped in the water; there is already contact here. The colours blue and pink show the strong contrast between understanding and emotions, which are trying clear the way for themselves.
A pile of pentacles is being held by two hands. The scene looks like a rich garden, protected by a wall. Grapes in the foreground and valuable rings on both of the hands emphasise the impression of wealth.
The bird of prey has many different faces. It is protecting what it has seized. Its figure alone makes a good impression. However, it is also a bird which captures its prey, as its name indicates.
Six cups contain symbols which refer to themes of illusions. The themes are intoxication (alcohol), gambling and fortune-telling (playing-cards), successful thoughts (laurel-wreath), sex and beauty (woman), wish-fulfilment (island) and wealth (money and jewels). The star in the seventh cup symbolises the vision which has to be followed.
The Alternate Path
cards represent the alternate path that you could choose to take in lieu of the Current Path. However, if the cards that come up seem to indicate that they go along with the Current Path, these three cards should be interpretted not as an Alternate Path, but as a chronological extension of the Current Path (also read from left to right).
The king's figure and features show a certain easy-going nature and goodness. The throne's decoration underlines the qualities of love and joy which are engraved on him.
He is holding a gift in his right hand. He is very much aware that presents play an important role in friendships. The table in the background, prepared for festivities, encourages a social gathering.
The picture has the effect of being rather poor and harsh. The blue colours represent coolness, but due to the red and yellow one can sense a certain energy, which also appears in Aries' head at the corner of the throne, connected astrologically with the Emperor.
The card's number four, which also represents the element earth, can be found in the house in the square of rocks and the crown also shows four spikes and four stones. Further symbols of the Emperor are an orb (symbol of world dominion) and a form of sceptre (symbol of materialism in life).
Waves emboss the picture and the princess‘ hair and the night-sky move with them. The moon and stars indicate intuition and emotionality.
The eyes seem to mirror the night-light, and also point to the personal inner starry sky. The hearts in the picture speak for themselves and the three fish suggest approaching materialism.
The Psychological Basis
cards shed light upon the psychological undertones of the current problem.
The left hand points to the new path towards intuition and the subconscious. The colours correspond with those of the Cups. The right hand tends to turn towards the swords. This area is dominated by the colour blue. The question is how many swords should be taken on the journey.
In front of the rising sun the first posts are being erected for the building of a new house. The hand has taken a firm hold of the wand; part of the wall has already been erected.
The wall symbolises the appearance of our conceptions. The mountains in the background show the definite ideas and conceptions that will materialise in the future.
The two eyes indicate that the High Priestess perceives the polarity in their dualism but doesn't take any valuation into account. The light and the dark side can be seen, as well as the waning and waxing moon and the full-moon, which unites and contains both sides.
The water and the two fish also symbolise the connection, the flow of energy and the dualism. The feather stands for the High Priestess' sensitiveness, the pomegranate for her fertility.
These cards represent the influences of karma and destiny that are beyond your control. They suggest adapting to this fate.
A small ray of light shines through a crack in the wall and arouses our yearning for freedom and knowledge. The prison walls burst open and we can escape. We have already taken hold of the sword which stands for differentiation, consciousness and independent thought.
The monarch's insignia of the Emperor shows we are prepared to reconquer the seat on our own throne.
All the elements are present on the picture, because the element, earth, actually contains all the other elements. The pentacle, as the fourth element, is mounted in a square frame, emphasising its relationship with the number four.
The wall confines the fire and bundles it up. Its violet colour shows that it has been built consciously and with spiritual energy, intent on higher ideals.
The triangle on the square shows the ideal integration of divinity and mortality. The fish in the fiery water indicates fiery emotionality as the basis for materialism. The symbol of the wand is recognised by the nine-fold loop on the back of the card.