The Self-Actualization Pyramids Spread

Self-Actualization Pyramids Spread



Difficulty: Complicated

Basically, there is the main pyramid in the centre, and two smaller pyramids on each side. One is inverted.

Positions 1 & 3 represent where the reader comes from, or what has made them/shaped them on the various levels. Can be from environment, upbringing, schooling, etc. A look at the past, but with more objectivity than is usually given when using tarot cards.

Positions 4 & 5 represent who the reader is right now. May or may not make pleasant reading, but hey, this is what this is about, right?

Position 6 represents who the reader could be. Again, it might or might not look good, but a person can learn from that and change who they are accordingly. (This is a bit like how Scrooge did things in 'A Christmas Carol'.)

Positions 7 & 8 are the reader's strengths. This is the light they have, which can be bought to the forefront. What carries the person should not be hidden or unacknowledged.

Position 9 represents what should be given to oneself or created within.

Position 10 & 11 represent personal areas for development or weaknesses. Again, might not make good reading, but if someone looks at their strengths first, they will be able to see a balance is there and can choose to focus on one side or the other. This is where a person could really see how their shadow side comes into play.

Position 12 represents what the reader should be offering externally, or what they can bring to their world or to others who inhabit that world.









Your Self-Actualization Pyramids Reading


Strength #1
Strength #2
Eye Exhibit
Nurture This
Infirmity #1
Infirmity #2
Now #1
  Now #2
Base (past) #1
  Base (past) #2
  Base (past) #3





1: Base #1

King of Cups

The king's figure and features show a certain easy-going nature and goodness. The throne's decoration underlines the qualities of love and joy which are engraved on him.

He is holding a gift in his right hand. He is very much aware that presents play an important role in friendships. The table in the background, prepared for festivities, encourages a social gathering.




2: Base #2

7 of Wands

The beam in the Five of Wands picture has been supported. On this card a hand has taken over the leadership and restrained the different impulses from the other five hands, or as the case may be, straightened them up so that they cannot cause any more damage to the successful work. The top and the bottom of the picture show the two sides of the number seven.




3: Base #3

The Magician

The symbols of all the elements are shown on the picture as possibilities. The eye, with its triangular shape, refers to the Holy Trinity. It seems as though it has just opened and one can recognise the spokes of the Wheel of Fortune in its iris.

The ribbon of eternity shows us how all possibilities can develop in waves out of the one item. The red background supports the energy of the illustration.










4: Where you are now #1

Prince of Wands

The prince appears unexpectedly in the picture. We are slightly alarmed. He looks as though he were made of fire and he seems to be setting his surroundings on fire.

He is lifting his wand as though to fight and moves everything out of his way. But the purple vase, which he has broken in his haste, might have perhaps been useful to him. He hardly notices it; the contents are now lost. In the background a volcano is erupting and pouring its lava over the picture.




5: Where you are now #2

2 of Cups

The two faces and the two cups seem together to form an entirety. The difference between them is shown, among other things, through the colours, which, in each case, mirror the opposite.

Two fish in the water also suggest dualism in the unity. In the same way, the heart at the top, made of two parts, becomes one at the bottom. The suggestion of an angel above the heads supports the same theme.




6: Your potential

3 of Coins

The picture shows an attestation as a symbol of real development and change, framed by symbols of different areas of life: a fish, sausages, a hammer and compass for handicrafts, a lute, a palette and brushes for art, a book for knowledge, appreciation and education, the two hands for social understanding.




7: Strength #1

7 of Coins

Seven pentacles are lying on a heap of leaves which is being swept up. They look like unusable fruit. Two tears show that the sweeper is grieving over his lost harvest. The star in the background suggests that the loss is small in comparison with the high goal which is being aimed at.




8: Strength #2

The Emperor

The picture has the effect of being rather poor and harsh. The blue colours represent coolness, but due to the red and yellow one can sense a certain energy, which also appears in Aries' head at the corner of the throne, connected astrologically with the Emperor.

The card's number four, which also represents the element earth, can be found in the house in the square of rocks and the crown also shows four spikes and four stones. Further symbols of the Emperor are an orb (symbol of world dominion) and a form of sceptre (symbol of materialism in life).




9: Nurture this

10 of Coins

The pentacles can be found inside and outside the town, as fruits on trees, as an exchange object, as a value which can bring us beauty, knowledge, nutrition or culture, by us exchanging these values, if necessary, with the help of payment (money).

The wise man knows that only by exchanging our goods amongst ourselves can we make a rich community. One pentacle shows an upside-down pentagram.










10: Weakness #1

3 of Cups

All the equipment for a celebration is united, wine, food, fireworks, love, happiness and society. There is nothing missing. The snake, which is biting its tail, suggests that celebrations begin and end. We let them come and go, like fireworks; they do not last very long.




11: Weakness #2

Ace of Coins

All the elements are present on the picture, because the element, earth, actually contains all the other elements. The pentacle, as the fourth element, is mounted in a square frame, emphasising its relationship with the number four.



12: Behavior to exhibit

King of Swords

The throne-room looks very tidy, but at the same time very bare. The throne itself has hardly any decoration. The king is protecting himself by his complete dress; his coat of mail can be seen under his shirt; on his chest he is wearing the sign of Libra, an indication of his connection with justice and his role as a judge.

The two butterflies above him indicate that he shows a tendency towards black and white-thinking. The crown, with its three points, refers to the third element, air. His sword is not completely straight and the square tiles in the background emphasise, through the different tones of red, that life cannot be locked away into boxes.






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