Secret of the High Priestess Spread

Secret of the High Priestess



Difficulty: Average

This spread makes a nice alternative to the Celtic Cross, which covers basically the same ground. It is useful when a question doesn't quite call for the Ankh spread. This tarot spread is helpful for looking into a current trend. The High Priestess may or may not present a mysterious secret to be analysed after the rest of the spread.

1. & 2. Main impulses representing the topic at hand. They may compliment or oppose one another.

3. This is the current influence at this time.

5. The Waning Moon is the influence that is moving into the past.

4. The Waxing Moon indicates what is on the horizon, or the approaching influence. This is the immediate future.

7. The Light is what is clearly recognized, consciously.

6. The Dark indicates what is there but not fully perceived, though noticed on a deeper level of consciousness.

8. The Next Step is the near future, where this journey leads.

9. The final tarot card, only if it happens to be of the Major Arcana, reveals the Secret of the High Priestess. This is a special message that should be given added weight.









Your Secret of the High Priestess Reading

The Waxing Moon

The Beast
The Full Moon

The Chamber
The Waning Moon

The Empress
Significator #1

The Lovers The Secret of the High Priestess
Significator #2

The Hanged Man
The Dark


The Fool
The Light

The Sun
The Next Step

The Devils




Significator #1 


The Lovers

9:00 – Card 6

Male, Air, Sagittarius.

Ceration is the alchemical act of adding a liquid to the substance while heated, yielding a softer substance with a wax-like texture. Not to be confused with alchemical union, but an important step toward it.



Significator #2 


The Hanged Man

5:00 – Card 2

Male, Water, Cancer.

A victim, weakness, prey. To try and then to fail in the worst way hurts, but it's better than standing still or letting those around you dictate your actions. There are great ambitious lives throughout history now deemed failures, even some angels have failed. But failure nonetheless.



The Waning Moon is the influence that you are putting behind you, as it moves into the past. 


The Empress

Regime change in action, it happens more in the sewers than the senates. One goes out, another comes in.




The Full Moon is the current influence at this time. 


The Chamber

AKA The World in traditional Tarot.

The walls and windows are all bricked up, there appears to be no way out, but you got in somehow, so there must be a way. Have you tried looking behind you? Even if you're trapped forever (As you are in this world) there's likely something fun do while you're here.











The Waxing Moon indicates what is on the horizon; the approaching influence. 


The Beast

3:00 – Card 7

AKA Judgement or The Angel in traditional Tarot. Female, Air, Aries.

Birth, gain and success. To eat the apple and learn mastery of life and death. To nurse and grow strong. To win. These are all steps toward the goal but not the goal itself, to mistake the method for the achievement will leave one halfway there.



The Light is what is clearly recognized. 


The Sun

Damn bright thing always vomiting heat and blinding light onto the populous. The artist of this deck isn't a fan.




The Dark shows what is there but not fully perceived, though it has been noticed on a deeper level of consciousness. 



Bravery and strength can get one killed, but they're still pretty badass. Don't fear what you needn't fear, but don't get carried away.




The Next Step is the near future, where this journey will take you. 


The Devils

11:00 – Card 9

AKA The Devil in traditional Tarot. Female, Fire, Capricorn.

Predators, perpetrators, the strong over the weak. They are movers and manipulators of fate, but always at each other�s throats. Time devours its own children and this is the card of that act, for time itself is only a continuum, it's really time's children that devour each other.




The Secret of the High Priestess - if, and only if, this card a Major Arcana, it reveals the Secret of the High Priestess. This is a special spiritual message that you should pay extra special attention to. If it is not a trump, the Priestess has revealed no secret. 


The Fool

6:00 – Card 0

Male, Water, Pisces.

Ignorance is a trait of the most basic. To let the currents of time and fate dictate one's actions completely, to seek the lowest, easiest path will lead one downwards. One's hunger will destroy what's beautiful, resulting in the squandering of things put to better use.






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