The Astrological Spread

Self-Actualization Pyramids Spread



Difficulty: Complicated

The Astrological Tarot Spread is based upon houses of astrology. This complicated spread takes several steps to understand.

The first step is to interpret the tarot card for each individual position in the spread.

The second step involves further examination of the main axes. Positions 1 & 7 show the relationship theme, #1 representing the reader, #7 their partner. Positions 4 & 10 indicate motion. #4 indicates where the reader is now, and #10 suggests what they are moving towards.

The third step involves breaking down the chart into triads according to their house elements.

Positions 1, 5, & 9 represent the Fire triad, symbolizing temperament and personal development.

Positions 2, 6, & 10 represent the Earth triad, concerned with materialism, money, and work.

Positions 3, 7, & 11 represent the Air triad, which has to do with thoughts, ideas, and connections with other people.

Positions 4, 8, & 12 represent the Water triad, the realm of emotions, moods, intuition, and yearnings.

Further, other patterns and correlations between certain numbers can be noted. Certain numbers such as the set of 5, 7, & 8 often speak about a particular theme.









Your Astrological Reading


    11 9    
  12   8  
1       7
2   Eye   6
  3   5  





1: Basic Mood

Page of Pentacles

An homage to Arthur Edward Waite, Aleister Crowley and George Sprague, the three revolutionary authors of Tarot systems that inspired this deck. Also, a very bad pun, apologies.

Life demands study, not worship. Study your problems, don't just pray for them to go away.




2: Finance

The Chamber

AKA The World in traditional Tarot.

The walls and windows are all bricked up, there appears to be no way out, but you got in somehow, so there must be a way. Have you tried looking behind you? Even if you're trapped forever (As you are in this world) there's likely something fun do while you're here.




3: Mundane Life

The Moon

Tranquillity, calm, beauty, and for some reason I never understood, lobster. Don't ask me, blame antiquity.




4: Home

8 of Wands

The means by which you arrive are not necessarily the means by which you'll stay.










5: Fun Things

9 of Wands

Thank you Mario, but your princess is in another castle. Besides, this one's blocked by a cypress tree fence. Lofty goals are nothing if you can't get to them.




6: Work

8 of Cups

D cups in this case. Don't be ashamed to enjoy your vices, and never regret the sins you enjoy.




7: Partners

Queen of Pentacles

You can prefer quality over quantity or quantity over quality, but both are valid for different applications. Sometimes a lot of cheap crap does the job, sometimes fewer of the finest is better. Know which is which and don't mistake the two. When in doubt, go with tons of the best.




8: Hidden Aspects





9: Higher Views

The Sun

Damn bright thing always vomiting heat and blinding light onto the populous. The artist of this deck isn't a fan.










10: Reputation

4 of Wands

If you lost the means to do what you will, try retracing your steps. You had them before, you should be able to find them again. Unless they fell into the sewer, that would totally suck.




11: Friends

5 of Cups

The problem with a hand of glory is that wax melts and glory fades.



12: Hopes and Fears

5 of Swords

An homage to Bosch and Bruegel, and a card symbolic of victory to the well-armed and pain to the unprepared or unwilling to defend.






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