Horse Shoe Spread

Horse Shoe Spread #1



Difficulty: Easy

The Horse Shoe is a classic tarot spread. It is more advanced than the three-card reading, yet simpler than most other spreads. It is a versatile method that can be used for most queries, though there are other spreads which would go into more depth. Like the simple Past, Present, and Future spread, it contains these cards in positions #1, #2, and #7, but also has four other tarot cards that help the reader understand how to deal with the future better. The cards are to be read as follows:

  1. The Past: Past events affecting the question.
  2. The Present: The current state or approaching influence.
  3. Hidden Influences: Things the reader may not be aware of (or barely be aware of).
  4. Obstacles: This is the challenge: obstacles may be avoided or may have to be dealt with.
  5. External Influences: Attitudes and thoughts regarding people around the reader.
  6. Suggestions: Recommended course of action.
  7. Outcome: The result of following the suggestions.









Your Horse Shoe Reading


King of Wands
Hidden Influences

The Chamber
  External Influences

Ace of Wands
The Present

6 of Swords

Knight of Cups
The Past

2 of Pentacles
  The Outcome

9 of Wands





The Past Card represents past events that are affecting the question.


2 of Pentacles

Some cultures to this day place coins upon the eyes of the dead to pay the ferryman who will take them to the land of the dead. I'm guessing one eyed individuals travel at half fare and the blind go for free.

In reality, you can't take a cent with you. Spend it while you're alive.





The Present Card represents the current state or immediately approaching influence.


6 of Swords

Something has to make the rain come down. It got up there but once there's enough of it, it falls back to Earth. It's not enough just to let it happen, if you want to understand you have to observe.





Hidden Influences - Things that you may not be aware of, or barely be aware of.


The Chamber

AKA The World in traditional Tarot.

The walls and windows are all bricked up, there appears to be no way out, but you got in somehow, so there must be a way. Have you tried looking behind you? Even if you're trapped forever (As you are in this world) there's likely something fun do while you're here.












Obstacle - This is the challenge.


King of Wands

Money is the king of all motivators. There is nothing in this world enough money can't buy. The people who tell you otherwise clearly don't have enough of it.





External Influences - Attitudes about this situation from people around the querent.


Ace of Wands

A wand is a means to a magical end. If you don't like what you're seeing, use yours to change the channel.





Suggestion - The recommended course of action.�


Knight of Cups

An homage to David Lynch. I don't know what divinatory meaning you might get out of a cowboy duel in a kitchen sink, but please do let me know if you find one.

Traditionally, it means romantic change is coming. If you're smart about it, for the better.





The Outcome - What will happen if the suggestion is followed.


9 of Wands

Thank you Mario, but your princess is in another castle. Besides, this one's blocked by a cypress tree fence. Lofty goals are nothing if you can't get to them.






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