Blind Spot Spread

Blind Spot Spread



Difficulty: Varies

This tarot spread is used to enhance self-awareness. Questions about learning something about oneself or things that are hidden work very well with this tarot spread, although no question is necessary.

  1. This tarot card displays the obvious identity, the part of oneself that is consciously known and projected to others.
  2. This card indicates unconscious driving forces that neither the reader nor others are aware of about them, the great unknown. Nobody knows what this tarot card means, at least not yet...
  3. The part of oneself that is concealed, to keep others from discovering, is apparent in this card.
  4. This is the Blind Spot. This is what was asked about, that which this reading should bring awareness of. The reader may wish to pay close attention to these mannerisms.









Your Blind Spot Reading

What you know What you don't know
What others know
The Priestess

The Devil
What others don't know
Ace of Swords






This card displays your obvious identity, the part of you that everyone knows.

The Priestess

The Moon

Purity is to live only to the Highest; and the Highest is All; be thou as Artemis to Pan. Read thou in the Book of the Law, and break through the veil of the Virgin.

Pure, exalted and gracious influence enters the matter. Hence, change, alternation, increase and decrease, fluctuation. There is, however, a liability to be led away by enthusiasm; one may become 'moon-struck' unless careful balance is maintained.





This card shows unconscious driving forces that neither you nor your company is aware of about you. This is the Great Unknown.



Pour thine all freely from the Vase in thy right hand, and lose no drop. Hath not thy left hand a vase? Transmute all wholly into the Image of thy Will, bringing each to its true token of Perfection. Dissolve the Pearl in the Wine-cup; drink, and make manifest the Virtue of that Pearl.

Combination of forces, realisation, action based on accurate calculation; the way of escape, success after elaborate manoeuvres.





The secrets you keep from others are shown by this card.

Ace of Swords

The Root of Air

The Ace of Swords is the primordial Energy of Air, the Essence of the Vau of Tetragrammaton, the integration of the Ruach. Air is the result of the conjunction of Fire and Water; thus, it lacks the purity of its superiors in the male hierarchy, Fire, Sol and the Phallus. But for this same reason it is the first card directly to be apprehended by the normal consciousness of Mankind.

In nature, the obvious symbol of Air is the Wind 'which bloweth whithersoever it listeth'. It lacks the concentrated Will of Fire to unite with Water: it has no corresponding passion for its Twin Element, Earth. There is indeed, a notable passivity in its nature; evidently, it has no self-generated impulse. But, set in motion by its Father and Mother, its power is manifestly terrific. It visibly attacks its objective, as they, being of subtler and more tenuous character, can never do. Its 'all-embracing, all-wandering, all-penetrating, all-consuming' qualities have been described by many admirable writers, and its analogies are for the most part patent to quite ordinary observers.












This is your Blind Spot. This is what you asked about – what you wished to be made aware of by this reading.

The Devil


With thy right Eye create all for thyself, and with the left accept all that be created otherwise.

Blind impulse, irresistibly strong and unscrupulous, ambition, temptation, obsession, secret plan about to be executed; hard work, obstinacy, rigidity, aching discontent, endurance.






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