Blind Spot Layout

Blind Spot Layout



Difficulty: Varies

This layout is used to enhance self-awareness. Questions about learning something about oneself or things that are hidden work very well with this layout, although no question is necessary.

  1. This rune displays the obvious identity, the part of oneself that is consciously known and projected to others.
  2. This rune indicates unconscious driving forces that neither the reader nor others are aware of about them, the great unknown. Nobody knows what this rune means, at least not yet...
  3. The part of oneself that is concealed, to keep others from discovering, is apparent in this rune.
  4. This is the Blind Spot. This is what was asked about, that which this reading should bring awareness of. The reader may wish to pay close attention to these mannerisms.









Your Blind Spot Reading

What you know What you don't know
What others know

What others don't know






This rune displays your obvious identity, the part of you that everyone knows.


Sudden storm without warning, natural disaster, catastrophe, uncontrollable forces, destructive weather, especially hail or blizzards. Can be a sign of sudden disruption, chaos, and delays. Stagnation, pain, loss, suffering, hardship, sickness.

A trial by fire, temperance. Recovery from crisis leading to completion of a story. This rune is said to relate to the hidden desires of the unconscious mind, which may indicate the need for meditation and spiritual guidance.





This rune shows unconscious driving forces that neither you nor your company is aware of about you. This is the Great Unknown.


Ansuz signifies the protection of Odin, concerned with man's connection with the universe, spiritual messages, learning, communication, and the spoken word. Signs, inspiration, visions, and the symbolic power of words and names.

Acceptance of good advice yields blessings in health, harmony, and wisdom. Non-acceptance of good advice results in manipulation by others, misunderstanding, and delusion. Vanity and arrogance may deceive one's self. This rune may indicate that dreams are giving you important messages that you should take note of.





The secrets you keep from others are shown by this rune.


Jera is a rune of harvest, abundance, reward, fortune, completion, and putting things in order. The fruits of earlier labours are ripe for the picking. Abundant peace and contentedness due to a nice surplus. The promise of success earned. The life cycle of eternal change which rules the universe.

Ill-dignification can mean a sudden setback or reversal of fortune. A major change, bad timing, conflict, poverty, or getting stuck in a repeating loop.












This is your Blind Spot. This is what you asked about - what you wished to be made aware of by this reading.


Thor, the Thunder god. Male core fertility. Thurisaz has to do with strife, conflict, combat, defence, and aggression. Reacting forcefully, as if threatened. Instinctual will, eroticism, a catalyst for change. A purging flood, a cleansing fire, catharsis.

This rune suggests that now may not be the best time to make any hasty decisions. Perhaps time should be set aside to reflect.






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